vi(1) Reference Manual Index

  1. Getting started
    1. Specifying terminal type
    2. Editing a file
    3. The editor's copy: the buffer
    4. Notational conventions
    5. Arrow keys
    6. Special characters: ESC, CR and DEL
    7. Getting out of the editor

  2. Moving around in the file
    1. Scrolling and paging
    2. Searching, goto, and previous context
    3. Moving around on the screen
    4. Moving within a line
    5. Summary
    6. View

  3. Making simple changes
    1. Inserting
    2. Making small corrections
    3. More corrections: operators
    4. Operating on lines
    5. Undoing
    6. Summary

  4. Moving about; rearranging and duplicating text
    1. Low level character motions
    2. Higher level text objects
    3. Rearranging and duplicating text
    4. Summary

  5. High level commands
    1. Writing, quitting, editing new files
    2. Escaping to a shell
    3. Marking and returning
    4. Adjusting the screen

  6. Special topics
    1. Editing on slow terminals
    2. Options, set, and editor startup files
    3. Recovering lost lines
    4. Recovering lost files
    5. Continuous text input
    6. Features for editing programs
    7. Filtering portions of the buffer
    8. Commands for editing LISP
    9. Macros

  7. Word Abbreviations
    1. Abbreviations

  8. Nitty-gritty details
    1. Line representation in the display
    2. Counts
    3. More file manipulation commands
    4. More about searching for strings
    5. More about input mode
    6. Upper case only terminals
    7. Vi and ex
    8. Open mode: vi on hardcopy terminals and ``glass tty's''