The Beginner's .exrc file

If you use the following file as your EXRC file, you can use the key sequences ",a" and ",b" to mark a block of lines, and then use simple commands like ",m" to move that block of lines. Install the file as indicated (the simplest way is to save this file as $HOME/.exrc). Then experiment. Mark regions with comma-a and comma-b, then

and so on.

This file shows nonprintable control characters in blue, as the sequence ^letter. To enter these characters into a file in vi(1) use ctrl-V ctrl-letter. The table at the end is a translation key for those characters for reference but the only ones used in this file are ctrl-M (a carriage return), ctrl-I (a tab character), and ctrl-V ( synchronous idle).

Since this file is an HTML-formatted version and the real file contains significant non-printable characters, you must get and install the uuencoded version of the file.

" The BEGINNER .exrc file
" John S. Urban; last updated 02/10/91
" tested on UNICOS,Sun SPARC,CDC910,RISC 6000,APOLLO DN1000,DECstation 5000
" RISC 6000, NeXT, ... DECstation 5000 didn't allow :set showmode.
" The good news is that using this file is a lot easier than understanding it.
" We will add a few commands to vi(1) with this file that make  it  easier
" to  use some of the more advanced features of the editor.  Almost all of these
" new commands are two-letter sequences beginning with a  comma.   Almost  all
" commands act on the marked region from mark a to mark b.  For example
" o  go to the TOP line of a region of text and enter ",a"
" o  go to the bottom line of the region and enter ",b"
" o  Now to move that region to another part of the file 
"    go there and enter ",m".
" You don't have to count lines or have line numbers on to move, 
" copy, delete, filter or collect up ranges of lines!
" The most commonly used "comma" functions are 
"   a(bove)   set top of marked region
"   b(elow)   set bottom of marked region
"   c(opy)    copy marked text
"   d(elete)  delete marked text (capital D starts new buffer for ,o)
"   m(ove)    move marked text to current position
"   M(arked)  abbreviation to restrict ex : command to marked region
"   o(utput)  deleted or yanked lines.
" Make a marked region with ,a and ,b and then ,M can be used in a variety
" of ways:
" ,Ms/OLD/NEW/g
" would replace string OLD with string NEW in just the marked region.
" The sections below describe other less frequently used commands.
" We also define some toggles for useful edit modes. Follow the tab key with
" the letter i, n, a to toggle on and off these modes:
"    i(gnore case)
"    n(umber lines)
"    a(utoindent)
" In case you forget use TAB followed by
"    t(ickle)
" to list all the toggle descriptions if you forget the names
" Setting up:
" Put this file in $HOME/.exrc.
" The environmental varible EXINIT should be unset 
"    unsetenv  EXINIT #csh user
"    EXINIT='' # ksh or sh user
" Put this file into a file called whatever you want. Then set the 
" environmental variable EXINIT 
"    setenv EXINIT 'source PATH'  # csh user
"    export EXINIT;EXINIT='source PATH'  # sh or ksh user
" where PATH is the full pathname to the file you created 
" Consider carefully where you want vi(1) to write it's working scratch files.
" Make sure their is lots of room so you do not run out of scratch space.
" set directory=/tmp
" Note that this file contains tab characters and significant blanks at ends
" of lines and control characters. Use "cat -v -e -t|lpr" to print it or
" you might have problems. Use
"   set list
" to see tabs and trailing white space while editing. 
" CAUTION: This .exrc file internally  uses and changes marks and buffers 
" named "abcdefghij" quite freely and assumes the user in general does not.
" The major functions defined herein "communicate" using marks. 
" first, here are some modes to make vi behave a bit more friendly:
set autoindent ignorecase 
"set notimeout
" Most of the time you will like having autoindent on. It makes the next line
" of text start with the same margin as the line above it. But if you don't
" know to enter ctrl-D as the first thing on the line to override the indent
" for the current line you won't like this mode neary as much!
map , #
"a Set ABOVE marks A and B so range for move, copy and delete is current line
map #a mamb
" b Set BELOW mark B
map #b mb
" c COPY mark ab to current position.
map #c K:'a;'bco'c^M
" d DELETE mark ab (returned to original viewing position)
"   If c or d is in ab will get error bell. DELETED TEXT APPENDS TO BUFFER d.
map #d K'a"Dd'b'e`c
" D DELETE mark ab (returned to original viewing position)
"   If c or d is in ab will get error bell. DELETED TEXT REPLACES BUFFER d.
map #D K'a"dd'b'e`c
" e EXECUTE command using marked region as input and replace region with output
"   filter text thru commands like fmt,adjust,expand,tr,pr,cb,asa,nasa,fold and such.
"   fmt(1) and adjust(1) let you do paragraph fill for mail and letters!!!
map #e K'a!'b
" F change marked region to entire FILE
"map #F K1GmaGmb'e`c
map #F K:1ma a^V|$ma b^M'e`c
" g   go to top or bottom of file 
map #g 1G
map #G G
" i indent mark by 3 characters.
map #i K:'a,'bs/.*/   &/^M
" Macro space is limited. Don't repeat sequences in different macros.
" In many of the macros it is convenient to mark the current, home, and
" middle positions so you can return to that view, so define K to mark
" those locations
map K mcHmdMme
" l convert marked region to LOWERCASE.
map #l K:'a,'bs/.*/\L&/^M
" m MOVE mark ab to current position
map #m K:'a;'bm'c^M
" M abbreviation for starting an ex command with the range set to 'a'b.
map #M K:'a;'b
" n like n (locate next) except puts located line at top of screen
map #n nz^M
" N like N (locate previous) except puts located line at top of screen
map #N Nz^M
" o OUTPUT the buffer stored with functions d,D,y and Y 
map #o "dp
" r REMEMBER the current file position for return with capital R (bookmark)
map #r miMmj`i
" R RETURN to the spot remembered with lowercase R (go to bookmark)
"   The REMEMBER/RETURN will not work if the remembered "screen" home and/or
"   current line have been deleted.
map #R 'jz.`i
" t TRIM TRAILING white space (spaces and tabs) from marked region.
map #t K:'a,'bs/[ ^I][ ^I]*$//g^M
" u convert MARK ab to UPPERCASE.
map #u K:'a,'bs/.*/\U&/^M
" w write marked region to a file you specify
map #w :'a;'bw  
" y YANK mark ab (returned to original viewing position)
map #y K'a"Dy'b'e`c
" Y YANK mark ab (returned to original viewing position)
map #Y K'a"dy'b'e`c
" Tab commands:
" make tab key get to "second set" of functions (primarily filters and toggles)
map ^V^I #Z
" (Rick Walker)
"TAB n  toggles between numbered editing and non-numbered
map @NU@ :set nu^M:map #Zn @NONU@^M:"--- line numbering on --- "^M
map @NONU@ :set nonu^M:map #Zn @NU@^M:"--- line numbering off ---"^M
map #Zn @NU@
" (Rick Walker)
"TAB a  toggles between autoindent and noautoindent
"       turn off autoindent before using a "PASTE" in X11 windows
map @AI@ :set ai^M:map #Za @NOAI@^M:^M:"---- autoindent ON ----"^M
map @NOAI@ :set noai^M:map #Za @AI@^M:^M:"---- autoindent OFF ----"^M
map #Za @NOAI@
"TAB i  toggles between ignorecase and noignorecase
map @IC@ :set ic^M:map #Zi @NOIC@^M:^M:"--- case insensitive ---"^M
map @NOIC@ :set noic^M:map #Zi @IC@^M:^M:"--- case sensitive ---"^M
map #Zi @NOIC@
"TAB t  lists toggles (capital letter is toggle name)
map #Zt  :"MNEUMONICS: Autoindent; case Insensitive; Numbered editing"^M

Control Key Press Reference ...

   00 (NUL) ctrl ? NULL                   10 (DLE) ctrl P DATA LINK ESCAPE
   01 (SOH) ctrl A START OF HEADING       11 (DC1) ctrl Q DEVICE CONTROL 1
   02 (STX) ctrl B START OF TEXT          12 (DC2) ctrl R DEVICE CONTROL 2
   03 (ETX) ctrl C END OF TEXT            13 (DC3) ctrl S DEVICE CONTROL 3
   04 (EOT) ctrl D END OF TRANSMISSION    14 (DC4) ctrl T DEVICE CONTROL 4
   05 (ENQ) ctrl E ENQUIRY                15 (NAK) ctrl U NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE
   06 (ACK) ctrl F ACKNOWLEDGE            16 (SYN) ctrl V SYNCHRONOUS IDLE
   07 (BEL) ctrl G BELL                   17 (ETB) ctrl W END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK
   08 (BS)  ctrl H BACKSPACE              18 (CAN) ctrl X CANCEL
   0A (LF)  ctrl J LINE FEED              1A (SUB) ctrl Z SUBSTITUTE
   0B (VT)  ctrl K VERTICAL TABULATION    1B (ESC) ctrl [ ESCAPE
   0C (FF)  ctrl L FORM FEED or NEW PAGE  1C (FS)  ctrl @ FILE SEPERATOR
   0D (CR)  ctrl M CARRIAGE RETURN        1D (GS)  ctrl ] GROUP SEPERATOR
   0E (SO)  ctrl N SHIFT OUT              1E (RS)  ctrl = RECORD SEPERATOR
   0F (SI)  ctrl O SHIFT IN               1F (US)  ctrl _ UNIT SEPERATOR
   ALTERNATE -- the same as above except
   00 (NUL) ctrl @ NULL  
   1C (FS)  ctrl \ FILE SEPERATOR
   7F (DEL) ctrl ? DELETE
Many terminals have separate return, backspace, horizontal tab, and escape keys.
Generated by John S. Urban