
Manual Reference Pages  - replace (3)


replace(3f) - [M_strings:EDITING] function globally replaces one substring for another in string (LICENSE:PD)




function replace(targetline[,old,new|cmd],range,ierr) result (newline)

character(len=*) :: targetline character(len=*),intent(in),optional :: old character(len=*),intent(in),optional :: new character(len=*),intent(in),optional :: cmd integer,intent(in),optional :: range(2) integer,intent(out),optional :: ierr logical,intent(in),optional :: clip character(len=:),allocatable :: newline


Globally replace one substring for another in string. Either CMD or OLD and NEW must be specified.


  input line to be changed
old old substring to replace
new new substring
cmd alternate way to specify old and new string, in the form c/old/new/; where "/" can be any character not in "old" or "new"
range if present, only change range(1) to range(2) of occurrences of old string
ierr error code. iF ier = -1 bad directive, >= 0 then count of changes made
clip whether to return trailing spaces or not. Defaults to .false.


  allocatable string returned


Sample Program:

   program demo_replace
   use M_strings, only : replace
   implicit none
   character(len=:),allocatable :: targetline

targetline=’this is the input string’

call testit(’th’,’TH’,’THis is THe input string’)

! a null old substring means "at beginning of line" call testit(’’,’BEFORE:’, ’BEFORE:THis is THe input string’)

! a null new string deletes occurrences of the old substring call testit(’i’,’’, ’BEFORE:THs s THe nput strng’)

write(*,*)’Examples of the use of RANGE=’

targetline=replace(’a b ab baaa aaaa’,’a’,’A’) write(*,*)’replace a with A [’//targetline//’]’

targetline=replace(’a b ab baaa aaaa’,’a’,’A’,range=[3,5]) write(*,*)’replace a with A instances 3 to 5 [’//targetline//’]’

targetline=replace(’a b ab baaa aaaa’,’a’,’’,range=[3,5]) write(*,*)’replace a with null instances 3 to 5 [’//targetline//’]’

targetline=replace(’a b ab baaa aaaa aa aa a a a aa aaaaaa’,’aa’,’CCCC’,range=[3,5]) write(*,*)’replace aa with CCCC instances 3 to 5 [’//targetline//’]’

contains subroutine testit(old,new,expected) character(len=*),intent(in) :: old,new,expected write(*,*)repeat(’=’,79) write(*,*)’STARTED [’//targetline//’]’ write(*,*)’OLD[’//old//’]’, ’ NEW[’//new//’]’ targetline=replace(targetline,old,new) write(*,*)’GOT [’//targetline//’]’ write(*,*)’EXPECTED[’//expected//’]’ write(*,*)’TEST [’,targetline.eq.expected,’]’ end subroutine testit

end program demo_replace

Expected output

    STARTED [this is the input string]
    OLD[th] NEW[TH]
    GOT     [THis is THe input string]
    EXPECTED[THis is THe input string]
    TEST    [ T ]
    STARTED [THis is THe input string]
    GOT     [BEFORE:THis is THe input string]
    EXPECTED[BEFORE:THis is THe input string]
    TEST    [ T ]
    STARTED [BEFORE:THis is THe input string]
    OLD[i] NEW[]
    GOT     [BEFORE:THs s THe nput strng]
    EXPECTED[BEFORE:THs s THe nput strng]
    TEST    [ T ]
    Examples of the use of RANGE=
    replace a with A [A b Ab bAAA AAAA]
    replace a with A instances 3 to 5 [a b ab bAAA aaaa]
    replace a with null instances 3 to 5 [a b ab b aaaa]
    replace aa with CCCC instances 3 to 5 [a b ab baaa aaCCCC CCCC CCCC a a a aa aaaaaa]


John S. Urban


Public Domain

replace (3) July 05, 2020
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