[GPF Home Page]
../PROGRAMS/_mkfifo.f90 make FIFO pipe file
../PROGRAMS/table2html.f90 filter to format simple columnar table into an HTML table form
../PROGRAMS/rep.f90 replace fixed strings in files
../PROGRAMS/_uname.f90 print system information
../PROGRAMS/cprint.f90 filter that prints specified columns
../PROGRAMS/slice.f90 display a set of curves as slices with a 3D view
../PROGRAMS/_rmdir.f90 remove empty directories by calling rmdir(3c)
../PROGRAMS/mat.f90 interpret matrix operations using a shell-like interface
../PROGRAMS/ttee.f90 split stdout to a file with optional timestamp labeling
../PROGRAMS/_pwd.f90 print full pathname of current directory
../PROGRAMS/manup.f90 convert text formatted to simple markup rules into a man(1) page
../PROGRAMS/hasher.f90 string hash example
../PROGRAMS/color_wheel.f90 generate GIF pixel files with color wheels at different lightness
../PROGRAMS/degrees.f90 convert multiple values between Celsius and Fahrenheit
../PROGRAMS/choose.f90 select an item from a screen menu
../PROGRAMS/_seq.f90 print a sequence of numbers
../PROGRAMS/cn.f90 create a basic contour plot
../PROGRAMS/esc.f90 set xterm(1) window attributes using a screen or line mode.
../PROGRAMS/f90split.f90 fsplit a Fortran 90 source file into component files
../PROGRAMS/topic.f90 create a simple help utility that reads a simply formatted help file
../PROGRAMS/ufpp.f90 convert multiple values between Celsius and Fahrenheit
Fortran Pre-processor
../PROGRAMS/_shuf.f90 random shuffle of lines in a file or strings or a range of whole numbers
../PROGRAMS/_rm.f90 remove file
../PROGRAMS/reverse.f90 read entire file into memory as a stream and write it in reverse byte order
../PROGRAMS/pfpp.f90 Fortran Pre-processor
../PROGRAMS/_grep.f90 search a file for a pattern
../PROGRAMS/_showumask.f90 show umask in decimal, octal, hex, and binary
../PROGRAMS/_hostname.f90 print hostname
../PROGRAMS/_expand.f90 convert tabs to spaces
../PROGRAMS/explain.f90 reads and navigates a VMS-style help file.
../PROGRAMS/paws.f90 pause until specified time or for specified duration
../PROGRAMS/_fmt.f90 simple reformatting of paragraphs
../PROGRAMS/_link.f90 link to file
../PROGRAMS/quadratic.f90 Calculate and print the roots of a quadratic formula even if they are complex
../PROGRAMS/asa2pdf.f90 convert text files with ASA carriage return to Adobe PDF files
../PROGRAMS/_false.f90 do nothing, unsuccessfully
../PROGRAMS/_rev.f90 reverse lnes in a file
../PROGRAMS/_banner.f90 print text in big block letters
../PROGRAMS/note.f90 print alphabet in big block letters using blocks(3f) and signs(3f)
../PROGRAMS/_mkdir.f90 Create the specified directories if they do not already exist.
../PROGRAMS/_true.f90 do nothing, successfully
../PROGRAMS/makeout.f90 create Makefile for current directory
../PROGRAMS/_cmp.f90 compare two files byte by byte
../PROGRAMS/sec2days.f90 convert seconds to string of form dd-hh:mm:ss
../PROGRAMS/tabulate.f90 print values alongside a text graph of the values
../PROGRAMS/_sleep.f90 given string of form days-hh:mm:ss pause for specified amount of time
../PROGRAMS/minefield.f90 minefield game
../PROGRAMS/_logname.f90 print login name using system_getlogin(3f)/getlogin(3c)
../PROGRAMS/_stat.f90 list pathname properties
../PROGRAMS/match.f90 find occurrences of a Regular Expression in a file(s).
../PROGRAMS/easter.f90 output the month and day Easter falls on for a particular year
../PROGRAMS/_echo.f90 display a line of text
../PROGRAMS/numdiff.f90 compare otherwise essentially identical files for numeric differences.
../PROGRAMS/now.f90 Report a date in a variety of formats
../PROGRAMS/_ln.f90 create links to a target file
../PROGRAMS/today.f90 output current time for uses such as file suffixes.
../PROGRAMS/dict.f90 Get definition of a word using DICT Protocol and libcurl(3c)
../PROGRAMS/change.f90 rename files by changing old fixed string to new string
../PROGRAMS/compute.f90 line mode calculator program (that calls CALCULATOR(3f))
../PROGRAMS/xy.f90 create a basic XY plot
../PROGRAMS/kolor.f90 set terminal(1) window foreground, background, and cursor color
../PROGRAMS/_which.f90 list pathnames of leaf names that are executable and can be found using the $PATH variable
../PROGRAMS/_printenv.f90 Print values from the environment table
../PROGRAMS/planets.f90 ephemeris position of planets for adjusting an equitorial telescope
../PROGRAMS/lsup.f90 show permits of a pathname and all directory components of the pathname
../PROGRAMS/base.f90 convert numbers between bases
../PROGRAMS/xauth_key.f90 generate random strings such as magic cookies for xauth
../PROGRAMS/huegif.f90 generate GIF pixel files with color wheels at different lightness
../PROGRAMS/fixedform.f90 display a TUI definition and return values
../PROGRAMS/penv.f90 Print values from the environment table
../PROGRAMS/shell.f90 shell for demonstrating major modules in libGPF.a
../PROGRAMS/days2sec.f90 convert dd-hh:mm:ss string to seconds
../PROGRAMS/exchange.f90 test of basic unit conversion functions
../PROGRAMS/_whoami.f90 print effective user name
../PROGRAMS/nc2html.f90 print an ncurses(3c) window dump as HTML
../PROGRAMS/findll.f90 find long lines
../PROGRAMS/dtu.f90 convert files between Unix and DOS line terminator conventions
../PROGRAMS/what.f90 : extract SCCS-style metadata from files
../PROGRAMS/_rename.f90 replace strings in filenames
../PROGRAMS/_yes.f90 output a string repeatedly until killed or limit is reached
../PROGRAMS/fseq.f90 generate a sequence of numbers, optionally concatenated to a file
../PROGRAMS/pendulum.f90 calculate simple pendulum period
../PROGRAMS/paranoid.f90 call doubleprecision and real versions of paranoia(3f)
../PROGRAMS/unique.f90 output a UUID (Universally Unique ID)
../PROGRAMS/_touch.f90 change file access timestamp to current time, creating file is necessary
../PROGRAMS/ufpp_template.f90 output a model of a ufpp(1) input file
../PROGRAMS/target.f90 create printable targets
../PROGRAMS/clock.f90 draw a clock
../PROGRAMS/_tty.f90 print information about the file/terminal connected to standard input
../PROGRAMS/_mv.f90 rename file
../PROGRAMS/alphabet.f90 print a value as a decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary value
../PROGRAMS/ffmt.f90 simple reformatting of paragraphs of Fortran comments
../PROGRAMS/_unlink.f90 remove file by unlinking it
../PROGRAMS/seefont.f90 display font samples
../PROGRAMS/colors.f90 display color names and values
../PROGRAMS/triangle.f90 resolution of a triangle
../PROGRAMS/factors.f90 Determine prime factors of numbers
../PROGRAMS/lcm.f90 Determine least common multiple of a list of integers
../PROGRAMS/splitname.f90 split file name into components (dir,name,basename,extension)
../PROGRAMS/_tr.f90 translate one set of characters to another
../PROGRAMS/_ls.f90 list files in a directory
../PROGRAMS/_dirname.f90 strip last component from file name
../PROGRAMS/draw.f90 simple interpreter for M_draw(3fm) routines
../PROGRAMS/phone.f90 phone number utility
../PROGRAMS/_kill.f90 send signals to processes
../PROGRAMS/month.f90 displays simple calendar
../PROGRAMS/gcd.f90 Determine greatest common divisor of a list of integers
../PROGRAMS/area_of_simple_polygon.f90 find area of simple (non-intersecting) polygon