
Manual Reference Pages  - mat88 (3)


MAT88(3f) - [M_matrix] initialize and/or pass commands to matrix laboratory interpreter




subroutine MAT88(init,cmd)

   integer,intent(in)          :: init
   character(len=*),intent(in) :: cmd


MAT88(3f) is modeled on MATLAB(3f) (MATrix LABoratory), a FORTRAN package developed by Argonne National Laboratories for in-house use. It provides comprehensive vector and tensor operations in a package which may be programmed, either through a macro language or through execution of script files.

Matlab is reentrant and recursive. Functions supported include (but are not by any means limited to) sin, cos, tan, arcfunctions, upper triangular, lower triangular, determinants, matrix multiplication, identity, Hilbert matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, matrix roots and products, inversion and so on and so forth.

The HELP command describes using the interpreter.


INIT flag indicating purpose of call

0 For ordinary first entry with reads from stdin -1 negative for silent initialization (ignores CMD) 1 positive for subsequent entries, enter command mode reading commands from stdin. 2 subsequent entry , return after doing CMD

CMD MAT88 command to perform


Sample program

      program demo_MAT88
      use M_matrix, only : mat88
      call MAT88(0,’ ’)
      end program demo_MAT88
      SUBROUTINE mat88_user(A,M,N,S,T)  ! sample mat88_user routine
      ! Allows personal  Fortran  subroutines  to  be  linked  into
      ! MAT88. The subroutine should have the heading
      !               SUBROUTINE mat88_user(A,M,N,S,T)
      !               DOUBLEPRECISION A(M,N),S,T
      ! The MAT88 statement Y = USER(X,s,t) results in a call to
      ! the subroutine with a copy of the matrix X stored in the
      ! argument A, its column and row dimensions in M and N,
      ! and the scalar parameters S and T stored in S and T.
      ! If S and T are omitted, they are set to 0.0. After
      ! the return, A is stored in Y. The dimensions M and
      ! N may be reset within the subroutine. The statement Y =
      ! USER(K) results in a call with M = 1, N = 1 and A(1,1) =
      ! FLOAT(K). After the subroutine has been written, it must
      ! be compiled and linked to the MAT88 object code within the
      ! local operating system.
      integer M,N
         ! print statistics for matrix, for example

DO i10 = 1, M write(*,*)(a(i10,i20),i20=1,n) enddo else ! a(i,j)=a(i,j)*s+t in a linear fashion DO i30 = 1, M DO i40 = 1, N a(i30,i40)=a(i30,i40)*S+T enddo enddo endif END SUBROUTINE mat88_user

Example 2:

   program bigmat
   use M_matrix, only : mat88
   ! pass strings to MAT88 but do not enter interactive mode
   call mat88(-1,’ ’)                    ! initialize
   call mat88( 2,’a=<1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8>’)
   call mat88( 2,’save("file1")’)
   call mat88( 2,’help INTRO’)

Example inputs

     avg:for i = 2:2:n, for j = 2:2:n, t = (a(i-1,j-1)+a(i-1,j)+a(i,j-1)+a(i,j))/4; ...
     avg:   a(i-1,j-1) = t; a(i,j-1) = t; a(i-1,j) = t; a(i,j) = t;

cdiv:// ====================================================== cdiv:// cdiv cdiv:a=sqrt(random(8) cdiv: ar = real(a); ai = imag(a); br = real(b); bi = imag(b); cdiv: p = bi/br; cdiv: t = (ai - p*ar)/(br + p*bi); cdiv: cr = p*t + ar/br; cdiv: ci = t; cdiv: p2 = br/bi; cdiv: t2 = (ai + p2*ar)/(bi + p2*br); cdiv: ci2 = p2*t2 - ar/bi; cdiv: cr2 = t2; cdiv: s = abs(br) + abs(bi); cdiv: ars = ar/s; cdiv: ais = ai/s; cdiv: brs = br/s; cdiv: bis = bi/s; cdiv: s = brs**2 + bis**2; cdiv: cr3 = (ars*brs + ais*bis)/s; cdiv: ci3 = (ais*brs - ars*bis)/s; cdiv: <cr ci; cr2 ci2; cr3 ci3> cdiv:// ======================================================

exp:t = 0*x + eye; s = 0*eye(x); n = 1; exp:while abs(s+t-s) > 0, s = s+t, t = x*t/n, n = n + 1

four:n four:pi = 4*atan(1); four:i = sqrt(-1); four:w = exp(2*pi*i/n); four:F = <>; four:for k = 1:n, for j = 1:n, F(k,j) = w**((j-1)*(k-1)); four:F = F/sqrt(n); four:alfa = r*pi; four:rho = exp(i*alfa); four:S = log(rho*F)/i - alfa*EYE; four:serr = norm(imag(S),1); four:S = real(S); four:serr = serr + norm(S-S’,1) four:S = (S + S’)/2; four:ferr = norm(F-exp(i*S),1)

gs:for k = 1:n, for j = 1:k-1, d = x(k,:)*x(j,:)’; x(k,:) = x(k,:) - d*x(j,:); ... gs: end, s = norm(x(k,:)), x(k,:) = x(k,:)/s;

jacobi:<n, n> = size(A); jacobi:X = eye(n); jacobi:anorm = norm(A,’fro’); jacobi:cnt = 1; jacobi:while cnt > 0,... jacobi: cnt = 0;... jacobi: for p = 1:n-1,... jacobi: for q = p+1:n,... jacobi: if anorm + abs(a(p,q)) > anorm,... jacobi: cnt = cnt + 1;... jacobi: exec(’jacstep’);... jacobi: end,... jacobi: end,... jacobi: end,... jacobi: display(rat(A)),... jacobi:end

jacstep: d = (a(q,q)-a(p,p))*0.5/a(p,q); jacstep: t = 1/(abs(d)+sqrt(d*d+1)); jacstep: if d < 0, t = -t; end; jacstep: c = 1/sqrt(1+t*t); s = t*c; jacstep: R = eye(n); r(p,p)=c; r(q,q)=c; r(p,q)=s; r(q,p)=-s; jacstep: X = X*R; jacstep: A = R’*A*R;

kron:// C = Kronecker product of A and B kron:<m, n> = size(A); kron:for i = 1:m, ... kron: ci = a(i,1)*B; ... kron: for j = 2:n, ci = <ci a(i,j)*B>; end ... kron: if i = 1, C = ci; else, C = <C; ci>;

lanczos:<n,n> = size(A); lanczos:q1 = rand(n,1); lanczos:ort lanczos:alfa = <>; beta = <>; lanczos:q = q1/norm(q1); r = A*q(:,1); lanczos:for j = 1:n, exec(’lanstep’,0);

lanstep:alfa(j) = q(:,j)’*r; lanstep:r = r - alfa(j)*q(:,j); lanstep:if ort <> 0, for k = 1:j-1, r = r - r’*q(:,k)*q(:,k); lanstep:beta(j) = norm(r); lanstep:q(:,j+1) = r/beta(j); lanstep:r = A*q(:,j+1) - beta(j)*q(:,j); lanstep:if j > 1, T = diag(beta(1:j-1),1); T = diag(alfa) + T + T’; eig(T)

mgs:for k = 1:n, s = norm(x(k,:)), x(k,:) = x(k,:)/s; ... mgs: for j = k+1:n, d = x(j,:)*x(k,:)’; x(j,:) = x(j,:) - d*x(k,:);

net:C = < net:1 2 15 . . . net:2 1 3 . . . net:3 2 4 11 . . net:4 3 5 . . . net:5 4 6 7 . . net:6 5 8 . . . net:7 5 9 30 . . net:8 6 9 10 11 . net:9 7 8 30 . . net:10 8 12 30 31 34 net:11 3 8 12 13 . net:12 10 11 34 36 . net:13 11 14 . . . net:14 13 15 16 38 . net:15 1 14 . . . net:16 14 17 20 35 37 net:17 16 18 . . . net:18 17 19 . . . net:19 18 20 . . . net:20 16 19 21 . . net:21 20 22 . . . net:22 21 23 . . . net:23 22 24 35 . . net:24 23 25 39 . . net:25 24 . . . . net:26 27 33 39 . . net:27 26 32 . . . net:28 29 32 . . . net:29 28 30 . . . net:30 7 9 10 29 . net:31 10 32 . . . net:32 27 28 31 34 . net:33 26 34 . . . net:34 10 12 32 33 35 net:35 16 23 34 36 . net:36 12 35 38 . . net:37 16 38 . . . net:38 14 36 37 . . net:39 24 26 . . . net:>; net:<n, m> = size(C); net:A = 0*ones(n,n); net:for i=1:n, for j=2:m, k=c(i,j); if k>0, a(i,k)=1; net:check = norm(A-A’,1), if check > 0, quit net:<X,D> = eig(A+eye); net:D = diag(D); D = D(n:-1:1) net:X = X(:,n:-1:1); net:<x(:,1)/sum(x(:,1)) x(:,2) x(:,3) x(:,19)>

pascal://Generate next Pascal matrix pascal:<k,k> = size(L); pascal:k = k + 1; pascal:L(k,1:k) = <L(k-1,:) 0> + <0 L(k-1,:)>;

pdq:alfa = <>; beta = 0; q = <>; p = p(:,1)/norm(p(:,1)); pdq:t = A’*p(:,1); pdq:alfa(1) = norm(t); pdq:q(:,1) = t/alfa(1); pdq:X = p(:,1)*(alfa(1)*q(:,1))’ pdq:e(1) = norm(A-X,1) pdq:for j = 2:r, exec(’pdqstep’,ip); ... pdq: X = X + p(:,j)*(alfa(j)*q(:,j)+beta(j)*q(:,j-1))’, ... pdq: e(j) = norm(A-X,1)

pdqstep:t = A*q(:,j-1) - alfa(j-1)*p(:,j-1); pdqstep: if ort>0, for i = 1:j-1, t = t - t’*p(:,i)*p(:,i); pdqstep:beta(j) = norm(t); pdqstep:p(:,j) = t/beta(j); pdqstep:t = A’*p(:,j) - beta(j)*q(:,j-1); pdqstep: if ort>0, for i = 1:j-1, t = t - t’*q(:,i)*q(:,i); pdqstep:alfa(j) = norm(t); pdqstep:q(:,j) = t/alfa(j);

pop:y = < 75.995 91.972 105.711 123.203 ... pop: 131.669 150.697 179.323 203.212>’ pop:t = < 1900:10:1970 >’ pop:t = (t - 1940*ones(t))/40; <t y> pop:n = 8; A(:,1) = ones(t); for j = 2:n, A(:,j) = t .* A(:,j-1); pop:A pop:c = A\y

qr:scale = s(m); qr:sm = s(m)/scale; smm1 = s(m-1)/scale; emm1 = e(m-1)/scale; qr:sl = s(l)/scale; el = e(l)/scale; qr:b = ((smm1 + sm)*(smm1 - sm) + emm1**2)/2; qr:c = (sm*emm1)**2; qr:shift = sqrt(b**2+c); if b < 0, shift = -shift; qr:shift = c/(b + shift) qr:f = (sl + sm)*(sl-sm) - shift qr:g = sl*el qr:for k = l: m-1, exec(’qrstep’,ip) qr:e(m-1) = f

qrstep:exec(’rot’); qrstep:if k <> l, e(k-1) = f qrstep:f = cs*s(k) + sn*e(k) qrstep:e(k) = cs*e(k) - sn*s(k) qrstep:g = sn*s(k+1) qrstep:s(k+1) = cs*s(k+1) qrstep:exec(’rot’); qrstep:s(k) = f qrstep:f = cs*e(k) + sn*s(k+1) qrstep:s(k+1) = -sn*e(k) + cs*s(k+1) qrstep:g = sn*e(k+1) qrstep:e(k+1) = cs*e(k+1)

rho://Conductivity example. rho://Parameters --- rho: rho //radius of cylindrical inclusion rho: n //number of terms in solution rho: m //number of boundary points rho://initialize operation counter rho: flop = <0 0>; rho://initialize variables rho: m1 = round(m/3); //number of points on each straight edge rho: m2 = m - m1; //number of points with Dirichlet conditions rho: pi = 4*atan(1); rho://generate points in Cartesian coordinates rho: //right hand edge rho: for i = 1:m1, x(i) = 1; y(i) = (1-rho)*(i-1)/(m1-1); rho: //top edge rho: for i = m2+1:m, x(i) = (1-rho)*(m-i)/(m-m2-1); y(i) = 1; rho: //circular edge rho: for i = m1+1:m2, t = pi/2*(i-m1)/(m2-m1+1); ... rho: x(i) = 1-rho*sin(t); y(i) = 1-rho*cos(t); rho://convert to polar coordinates rho: for i = 1:m-1, th(i) = atan(y(i)/x(i)); ... rho: r(i) = sqrt(x(i)**2+y(i)**2); rho: th(m) = pi/2; r(m) = 1; rho://generate matrix rho: //Dirichlet conditions rho: for i = 1:m2, for j = 1:n, k = 2*j-1; ... rho: a(i,j) = r(i)**k*cos(k*th(i)); rho: //Neumann conditions rho: for i = m2+1:m, for j = 1:n, k = 2*j-1; ... rho: a(i,j) = k*r(i)**(k-1)*sin((k-1)*th(i)); rho://generate right hand side rho: for i = 1:m2, b(i) = 1; rho: for i = m2+1:m, b(i) = 0; rho://solve for coefficients rho: c = A$b rho://compute effective conductivity rho: c(2:2:n) = -c(2:2:n) rho: sigma = sum(c) rho://output total operation count rho: ops = flop(2)

rogers.exec:exec(’d.boug’); // reads data rogers.exec:<g,k> = size(p); // p is matrix of gene frequencies rogers.exec:wv = ncen/sum(ncen); // ncen contains population sizes rogers.exec:pbar = wv*p; // weighted average of p rogers.exec:p = p - ones(g,1)*pbar; // deviations from mean rogers.exec:p = sqrt(diag(wv)) * p; // weight rows of p by sqrt of pop size rogers.exec:h = diag(pbar); h = h*(eye-h); // diagonal contains binomial variance: p*(1-p) rogers.exec:r = p*inv(h)*p’/k; // normalized covariance matrix rogers.exec:eig(r)’

rosser:A = < rosser: 611. 196. -192. 407. -8. -52. -49. 29. rosser: 196. 899. 113. -192. -71. -43. -8. -44. rosser: -192. 113. 899. 196. 61. 49. 8. 52. rosser: 407. -192. 196. 611. 8. 44. 59. -23. rosser: -8. -71. 61. 8. 411. -599. 208. 208. rosser: -52. -43. 49. 44. -599. 411. 208. 208. rosser: -49. -8. 8. 59. 208. 208. 99. -911. rosser: 29. -44. 52. -23. 208. 208. -911. 99. >;

rot:// subexec rot(f,g,cs,sn) rot: rho = g; if abs(f) > abs(g), rho = f; rot: cs = 1.0; sn = 0.0; z = 1.0; rot: r = norm(<f g>); if rho < 0, r = -r; r rot: if r <> 0.0, cs = f/r rot: if r <> 0.0, sn = g/r rot: if abs(f) > abs(g), z = sn; rot: if abs(g) >= abs(f), if cs <> 0, z = 1/cs; rot: f = r; rot: g = z;

rqi:rho = (x’*A*x) rqi:x = (A-rho*eye)\x; rqi:x = x/norm(x)

setup:diary(’xxx’) setup:!tail -f xxx > /dev/tty1 & setup:!tail -f xxx > /dev/tty2 &

sigma:RHO = .5 M = 20 N = 10 SIGMA = 1.488934271883534 sigma:RHO = .5 M = 40 N = 20 SIGMA = 1.488920312974229 sigma:RHO = .5 M = 60 N = 30 SIGMA = 1.488920697912116

strut.mat:// Structure problem, Forsythe, Malcolm and Moler, p. 62 strut.mat:s = sqrt(2)/2; strut.mat:A = < strut.mat:-s . . 1 s . . . . . . . . . . . . strut.mat:-s . -1 . -s . . . . . . . . . . . . strut.mat: . -1 . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . strut.mat: . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . strut.mat: . . . -1 . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . strut.mat: . . . . . . -1 . . . . . . . . . . strut.mat: . . . . -s -1 . . s 1 . . . . . . . strut.mat: . . . . s . 1 . s . . . . . . . . strut.mat: . . . . . . . -1 -s . . 1 s . . . . strut.mat: . . . . . . . . -s . -1 . -s . . . . strut.mat: . . . . . . . . . -1 . . . 1 . . . strut.mat: . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . strut.mat: . . . . . . . . . . . -1 . . . s . strut.mat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1 -s . strut.mat: . . . . . . . . . . . . -s -1 . . 1 strut.mat: . . . . . . . . . . . . s . 1 . . strut.mat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -s -1>; strut.mat:b = < strut.mat: . . . 10 . . . 15 . . . . . . . 10 .>’;

test1:// ----------------------------------------------------------------- test1:// start a new log file test1:sh rm -fv log.txt test1:diary(’log.txt’) test1:// ----------------------------------------------------------------- test1:titles=<’GNP deflator’ test1: ’GNP ’ test1: ’Unemployment’ test1: ’Armed Force ’ test1: ’Population ’ test1: ’Year ’ test1: ’Employment ’>; test1:data = ... test1:< 83.0 234.289 235.6 159.0 107.608 1947 60.323 test1: 88.5 259.426 232.5 145.6 108.632 1948 61.122 test1: 88.2 258.054 368.2 161.6 109.773 1949 60.171 test1: 89.5 284.599 335.1 165.0 110.929 1950 61.187 test1: 96.2 328.975 209.9 309.9 112.075 1951 63.221 test1: 98.1 346.999 193.2 359.4 113.270 1952 63.639 test1: 99.0 365.385 187.0 354.7 115.094 1953 64.989 test1: 100.0 363.112 357.8 335.0 116.219 1954 63.761 test1: 101.2 397.469 290.4 304.8 117.388 1955 66.019 test1: 104.6 419.180 282.2 285.7 118.734 1956 67.857 test1: 108.4 442.769 293.6 279.8 120.445 1957 68.169 test1: 110.8 444.546 468.1 263.7 121.950 1958 66.513 test1: 112.6 482.704 381.3 255.2 123.366 1959 68.655 test1: 114.2 502.601 393.1 251.4 125.368 1960 69.564 test1: 115.7 518.173 480.6 257.2 127.852 1961 69.331 test1: 116.9 554.894 400.7 282.7 130.081 1962 70.551>; test1:short test1:X = data; test1:<n,p> = size(X) test1:mu = ones(1,n)*X/n test1:X = X - ones(n,1)*mu; X = X/diag(sqrt(diag(X’*X))) test1:corr = X’*X test1:y = data(:,p); X = <ones(y) data(:,1:p-1)>; test1:long e test1:beta = X\y test1:expected = < ... test1: -3.482258634594421D+03 test1: 1.506187227124484D-02 test1: -3.581917929257409D-02 test1: -2.020229803816908D-02 test1: -1.033226867173703D-02 test1: -5.110410565317738D-02 test1: 1.829151464612817D+00 test1:> test1:disp(’EXPE and BETA should be the same’)

tryall:diary(’log.txt’) tryall:a=magic(8) tryall:n=3 tryall:exec(’avg’) tryall:b=random(8,8) tryall:exec(’cdiv’) tryall:exec(’exp’) tryall:exec(’four’) tryall:exec(’gs’) tryall:exec(’jacobi’) tryall:// jacstep tryall:exec(’kron’) tryall:exec(’lanczos’) tryall:// lanstep tryall:exec(’longley’) tryall:exec(’mgs’) tryall:exec(’net’) tryall:exec(’pascal’) tryall:exec(’pdq’) tryall:// pdqstep tryall:exec(’pop’) tryall:exec(’qr’) tryall:// qrstep tryall:exec(’rho’) tryall:exec(’rosser’) tryall:// rot tryall:exec(’rqi’) tryall:exec(’setup’) tryall:exec(’sigma’) tryall:exec(’strut.mat’) tryall:exec(’w5’) tryall:exec(’rogers.exec tryall:exec(’rogers.load

w5:w5 = < w5: 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. w5: -10. 1. 1. 0. 0. w5: 40. 0. 1. 1. 0. w5: -205. 0. 0. 1. 1. w5: 1024. 0. 0. 0. -4. w5: >

mat88 (3) March 11, 2021
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