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libGPF man(3) pages

grouping page description
 amatchlook for pattern matching regular expression; returns its location (LICENSE:PD)
 intro_blas1Introduction to vector-vector linear algebra (matrix) (LICENSE:PD) subprograms
 split2020parse a string into tokens
ARGUMENTS::INTROARGUMENTS collection of command line argument parsers
ARGUMENTS::M_CLI2M_CLI2 - command line argument parsing using a prototype command (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS::M_CLIM_CLI command line argument parsing using a prototype command and NAMELIST (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS::M_argsM_args - define a NAMELIST in a module template to provide command line argument parsing (LICEN...
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2get_args return keyword values when parsing command line arguments (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2get_args_fixed_length return keyword values for fixed-length string when parsing command line (LICEN...
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2get_args_fixed_size return keyword values for fixed-size array when parsing command line arguments (...
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2get_subcommand special-case routine for handling subcommands on a command line (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2set_args command line argument parsing (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2set_usage allow setting a short description for keywords for the --usage switch (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2specified return true if keyword was present on command line (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLIcheck_commandline check status from READ of NAMELIST group and process pre-defined options
ARGUMENTS:M_CLIcommandline command line argument parsing (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLIprint_dictionary print internal dictionary created by calls to commandline(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLIspecified return true if keyword was present on command line (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_argsget_command_arguments_stack return a character array containing all the command line arguments (LICE...
ARGUMENTS:M_argsget_command_arguments_string return all command arguments as an allocated string (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_argsget_namelist NAMELIST-based command line argument parsing (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_argslongest_command_argument length of longest argument on command line (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_argsprint_dictionary print internal dictionary created by calls to get_namelist(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_getoptM_getopt parse command line arguments. similar to those in standard C library. (LICENSE:GPL)
ARGUMENTS:M_getopt_longM_getopt_long parse command line options like Sun getopt_long, including the Sun CLIP ...
ARGUMENTS:M_krackendget given keyword fetch doubleprecision value from command argument (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackendgets given keyword fetch doubleprecision array from command arguments (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackendissect convenient call to parse() - define defaults, then process (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackeniget given keyword fetch integer value from command argument (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenigets given keyword fetch integer array from command arguments (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenkracken crack command line options on Fortran programs, using "-KEYWORD VALUE" syntax (LICENSE...
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenlget given keyword fetch logical value from command arguments (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenlgets given keyword fetch logical array from command argument (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenparse parse user command and store tokens into Language Dictionary (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenretrev get keyword value as a string from a command's argument list processed by kracken(3f) ...
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenrget given keyword fetch real value from command argument (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenrgets given keyword fetch real array from command arguments (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackensetprompts set explicit prompts for keywords in interactive mode (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackensget given keyword fetch string value and length from command arguments (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackensgets given keyword fetch string value parsed on whitespace into an array (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenshow dump dictionary entries (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenstore add or replace value for specified name in dictionary(if allow='add' add name if neede...
M_BREM_bre Basic Regular Expressions (LICENSE:PD)
M_BREerror print message and stop program execution (LICENSE:PD)
M_BREgetpat convert str into pattern (LICENSE:PD)
M_BREmakpat make pattern from arg(from), terminate on delim (LICENSE:PD)
M_BREmatch find match to a basic regular expression anywhere on input string (LICENSE:PD)
M_Compare_Float_NumbersM_Compare_Float_Numbers perform relational comparisons on real numbers (LICE...
M_anythinganyinteger_to_string convert integer of any kind to a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_anythinganyscalar_to_double convert integer or real parameter of any kind to doubleprecision (LICENSE:PD)
M_anythinganyscalar_to_int64 convert integer any kind to integer(kind=int64) (LICENSE:PD)
M_anythinganyscalar_to_real convert integer or real parameter of any kind to real (LICENSE:PD)
M_anythinganyscalar_to_real128 convert integer or real parameter of any kind to real128 (LICENSE:PD)
M_anythinganything_to_bytes convert standard types to bytes (character(len=1):: array(:)) (LICENSE:PD)
M_anythingbytes_to_anything convert bytes(character)len=1):: array(:)) to standard types (LICENSE:PD)
M_anythingempty set an allocatable array to zero (LICENSE:PD)
M_besselbes calculate Bessel functions J(X), Y(X), I(X), K(X) for doubleprecision arguments and integer orders
M_besselbesi compute the I Bessel function for a given argument and order
M_besselbesj compute the J Bessel function for a given argument and order
M_besselbesj0 calculates the Bessel function J(X) of order zero.
M_besselbesj1 calculates the Bessel function J(X) of order one.
M_besselbesk compute the K Bessel function for a given argument and order
M_besselbesy compute the Y Bessel function for a given argument and order
M_besselbesy0 calculates the Bessel function Y(X) of order zero.
M_big_integerM_big_integer define new data type BIG_INTEGER and operators
M_calcomp::INTROM_calcomp emulate old Calcomp graphics library (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicaxis draw linear axis with numeric scale and axis label (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicfactor rescale entire plot (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicline plot a polyline with optional rescaling (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicnewpen select new pen color and move to origin (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicnframe start new frame (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicnumber plots a floating-point number (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicplot move with pen up or down or start new origin or terminate plotting (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicplots initialize the CALCOMP package (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicscale calculate scaling factors for producing XY plots with LINE(3f) and AXIS(3f) routines (LICE...
M_calcomp:basicsymbol draw text string or marker (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicwhere return current position and current plot-scaling factor (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicwidth select pen width (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generalcircl draws an arc or spiral (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generaldashl draws a polyline with dashed lines (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generaldashp draw from current position to new point with dashed line (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generalelips draw an elliptical arc (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generalfit draws a semi-hyperbolic curve through three points (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generalgrid draws a linear grid (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generalpoly draw an equilateral polygon (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generalrect draw a rectangle (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificcntour draw a contour plot (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificcurvx plots a function of X over a given range (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificcurvy plots a function of Y over a given range (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificfline plot a polyline with optional fit (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificlgaxs draw logarithmic axis (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificlglin draw polyline in log-log or semi-log mode (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificpolar plot radial values versus angular variables (as polar coordinates) (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificscalg determine scale factors for a logarithmic scale (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificsmoot draw a polyline using modified spline-fitting technique (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorcalculator parse calculator expression and return numeric or string value (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatordnum0 return double precision value from string expression using calculator(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorexpression return value from a string expression processing messages to simplify call to CALCULATO...
M_calculatorgetvalue given numeric variable name return doubleprecision value directly from calculator diction...
M_calculatorigetvalue given numeric variable name return integer value directly from calculator dictionary for...
M_calculatorinum0 return integer value from calculator expression (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorrgetvalue given numeric variable name return real value directly from calculator dictionary for ef...
M_calculatorrnum0 returns real number from string expression using CALCULATOR(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorsnum0 resolve a calculator expression into a string(return blank on errors) (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorstrgar2 read a string into a real array USING CALCULATOR, allowing quoted strings in arguments, (L...
M_calculatorstrgarr read a string into an array using CALCULATOR(3f) calculator (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorstuff directly store value into calculator dictionary for efficiency (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorstuffa stuffa(3f): directly store a string into calculator variable name table (LICENSE:PD)
M_colorclosest_color_name returns the closest name for the given RGB values. (LICENSE:PD)
M_colorcolor_name2rgb returns the RGB values in the range 0 to 100 for a given known color name. (LICENSE:PD)
M_colorrgbmono converts RGB colors to a reasonable grayscale intensity (LICENSE:PD)
M_contourplotcontourlines calculate contour lines from ungridded data f(x, y) and call user-supplied routine ...
M_csvM_csv Comma-separated values
M_csvcsv prints up to 20 standard scalar types to a string in CSV style (LICENSE:PD)
M_csvcsv_write prints intrinsic type to a file assigned to LUN CSV_LUN (LICENSE:PD)
M_displayM_display module for pretty-printing matrices
M_displaydisp pretty-print a matrix
M_displaydisp_get return default settings in a structure of DISP(3f) settings
M_displaydisp_set set default options for disp(3f)
M_displaydisp_set_factory set DISP(3f) output back to original defaults
M_displaytostring change numbers to a string
M_displaytostring_set set modes for TOSTRING(3f)
M_displaytostring_set_factory set TOSTRING(3f) output back to original defaults
M_draw::INTROM_draw The M_draw graphics library (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ARCSarc Draw an arc in world units. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ARCScircle Draw a circle. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ARCScircleprecision Set number of line segments used to approximate a circle (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ARCSsector Draw a sector. Note: sectors are polygons. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ASPECTgetaspect Returns the ratio height over width of the display device. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ASPECTgetdisplaysize Returns width and height of device in device units (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ASPECTgetfactors Returns width over min(width of device, height of device) and height over min(width of devic...
M_draw:ATTRIBUTE_STACKpopattributes Restore attributes to what they were at last pushattributes(). (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ATTRIBUTE_STACKpushattributes Save the current attributes on the attribute stack. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:CLIPPINGclipping Turn clipping on or off (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:COLORclear Clears screen to current color (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:COLORcolor Set current color (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:COLORmapcolor set a color index using RGB values (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:CURVEcurve Draw a curve. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:CURVEcurvebasis Define a basis matrix for a curve. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:CURVEcurven Draw n-3 overlapping curve segments. Note: n must be at least 4. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:CURVEcurveprecision Define number of line segments used to draw a curve. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:CURVErcurve Draw a rational curve. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEgetdepth Return number of bit planes (color planes) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEpopdev pop device from stack created by pushdev. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEpushdev push current device onto a stack (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEvexit Reset window/terminal and exit graphics mode. Must be last routine called. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEvgetdev Get name of current device (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEvinit Initialise device (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEvnewdev Reinitialize to use new device without changing (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEvoutput Redirect output from *next* vinit to file (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DOUBLE_BUFFERINGbackbuffer Draw in the backbuffer. Returns -1 if the device is not up to it. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DOUBLE_BUFFERINGfrontbuffer Draw in the front buffer. This will always work. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DOUBLE_BUFFERINGswapbuffers Swap the front and back buffers. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DRAWdraw Draw from current graphics position to (x, y, z) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DRAWdraw2 Draw from current graphics position to given point (x, y) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DRAWrdraw Relative draw (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DRAWrdraw2 Relative draw from current position to given point (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DRAWrsdraw2 Relative draw in screen units (-1.0 to 1.0). (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DRAWsdraw2 Draw in screen coordinates (-1.0 to 1.0). (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:FLUSHINGvflush Call device flush or syncronisation routine (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:FLUSHINGvsetflush Set global flushing status (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:INTERACTIVEcheckkey Returns zero if no key is pressed or ASCII ordinal (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:INTERACTIVEgetkey Return ASCII ordinal of next key typed (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:INTERACTIVEgetstring Read in a string, echoing it in current font (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:INTERACTIVElocator Find out where cursor is (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:INTERACTIVEslocator Find out where cursor is in screen coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:LINESTYLEdashcode set dash pattern length (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:LINESTYLElinestyle set the line dash pattern (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:LINESTYLElinewidth set line width in rasters (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MATRIX_STACKpopmatrix Reinstall the last matrix pushed (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MATRIX_STACKpushmatrix Save the current transformation matrix on the matrix stack. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MOVEmove Move current graphics position to (x, y, z) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MOVEmove2 Move graphics position to point (x, y) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MOVErmove Relative move (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MOVErmove2 Relative move in world units. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MOVErsmove2 Relative move in screen units (-1.0 to 1.0). (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MOVEsmove2 Move current graphics position in screen coordinates (-1.0 to 1.0). (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTcallobj Draw object number n. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTcloseobj Close the current object. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTdelobj Delete the object number n. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTgenobj Returns a unique object identifier. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTgetopenobj Return the number of the current object. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTisobj Returns .FALSE. if there is an object of number n. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTloadobj Load the object in the file filename as object number n. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTmakeobj Commence the object number n. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTsaveobj Save object number n into file filename. Does NOT save objects called inside object n. (LICE...
M_draw:PATCHpatch Draws a patch in the current basis, according to the geometry matrices gx, gy, and gz. (LICEN...
M_draw:PATCHpatchbasis Define the t and u basis matrices of a patch. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PATCHpatchcurves Set the number of curves making up a patch. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PATCHpatchprecision Set minimum number of line segments making up curves in a patch. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PATCHrpatch Draws a rational patch in the current basis, according to the geometry matrices gx, gy, gz, a...
M_draw:POINTpoint Draw a point at x, y, z (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POINTpoint2 Draw a point at x, y. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSbackface Turns on culling of backfacing polygons. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSbackfacedir Sets backfacing direction to clockwise or anti-clockwise (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSclosepoly Terminates a polygon opened by makepoly(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONShatchang Set the angle of the hatch lines. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONShatchpitch Set the distance between hatch lines. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSmakepoly opens polygon constructed by a series of move-draws and closed by closepoly (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSpoly Construct a polygon from an array of points (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSpoly2 Construct an (x, y) polygon from an array of points (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSpolyfill Set the polygon fill flag (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSpolyhatch Set the polygon hatch flag (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSrect Draw a rectangle given two corners (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POSITIONgetgp Gets the current graphics position (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POSITIONgetgp2 Gets the current graphics position in world coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POSITIONgetgpt Gets the current transformed graphics position in world coords. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POSITIONsgetgp2 Gets the current screen graphics position in screen coords (-1 to 1) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PROJECTIONortho Define x, y, z clipping planes. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PROJECTIONortho2 define the area of the virtual world coordinates to map to the viewport (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PROJECTIONperspective Specify perspective viewing pyramid (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PROJECTIONwindow Specify a perspective viewing pyramid (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTbottomjustify bottom justify text (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTboxfit resize the SOFTWARE text size so it fits in a box (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTboxtext stretch and draw the SOFTWARE string s so that it fits in the imaginary box (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTcentertext Turns centertext mode on or off for SOFTWARE fonts. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTdrawchar Draw the character c and update current position. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTdrawstr Draw the text in string at the current position. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTfixedwidth Turns fixedwidth mode on or off for SOFTWARE fonts. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTfont Set the current font by name (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTgetcharsize Get the width and height of a character. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTgetfontdec Return size of maximum font descender (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTgetfontsize Get maximum width and height of a character in a font. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTleftjustify left justify text (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTnumchars Return number of characters in the current SOFTWARE font. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTrightjustify right justify text (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTstrlength return length of string (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTtextang Set the SOFTWARE text angle. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTtextjustify general text justification (C only) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTtextsize Set text size of a character in the current SOFTWARE font in world units. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTtextslant Defines the obliqueness of the fonts. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTtextweight Defines the weight of the fonts. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTtopjustify top justify text (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTxcentertext set text centering mode on in X direction (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTycentertext center text in the Y direction (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TRANSFORMATIONrotate Set up a rotation in axis axis where axis is one of 'x', 'y', or 'z'. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TRANSFORMATIONscale Set up scaling factors in x, y, and z axis. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TRANSFORMATIONtranslate Set up a translation. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTexpandviewport use the entire device viewport (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTgetviewport Returns limits of current viewport in screen coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTlookat Specify the viewer's position (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTpolarview Specify the viewer's position in polar coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTpopviewport Retrieve last viewport (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTpushviewport Save current viewport (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTunexpandviewport undo expandviewport(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTup Specify the world up. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTviewport Specify which part of screen to draw in (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:WINDOW_SETUPprefposition Specify preferred position of window (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:WINDOW_SETUPprefsize Specify preferred width and height of window in physical units (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawinvokeobj invoke object with specified transformations (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawpage set window into largest viewport available (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawpop call popviewport(), popmatrix(), popattributes() (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawprint call DRAWSTR(3f) with up to nine arbitrary intrinsic scalar values
M_drawpush call pushviewport(), pushmatrix(), pushattributes() (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawplus:locatorrdbox - reads two points and outline defined box and return points (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplus:locatorrdpnt reads coordinates of point locator clicked at (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusM_drawplus Additional routines using the M_DRAW graphics library (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusarrowhead Draw arrow head (for text boxes and line markers) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawpluscall_draw Given a string representing a M_draw procedure and parameters call the routine (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusdraw_interpret call interpreter for testing M_draw(3fm) routines (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusellipse draws an ellipse or elliptical arc. (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawpluspolyline2 - draw an unclosed polyline in the XY plane (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusseefont display font sample pages (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusspirograph draw a hypotrochoid (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusuarc create circular arc, leaving CP at end of arc (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusuconic general conic sections (LICENSE:MIT)
M_escapeM_escape substitute escape sequences for XML-like syntax in strings
M_escapeattr colorize text using a simple function-based approach (LICENSE:PD)
M_escapecolor colorize text using a simple function-based approach (LICENSE:PD)
M_escapecolor_mode toggle style effects of color(3f) on and off (LICENSE:PD)
M_escapeesc substitute escape sequences for XML-like syntax in strings
M_escapeesc_mode select processing mode for output from esc(3f)
M_escapeupdate update internal dictionary given keyword and value (LICENSE:PD)
M_f2kcliM_f2kcliFortran 200x Command Line Interface for Programming Environments without it
M_factorM_factor module for least common multiple, greatest common divisor, and prime factors
M_factorgreatest_common_divisor calculate greatest common divisor of two integers or vector m(:), matrix m(:, :) or...
M_factori_is_prime Determine if a number is prime using Sieve of Erasthosthenes (LICENSE:???)
M_factorleast_common_multiple Least common multiple of two integers or vector m(:), matrix m(:, :) or cuboid m(:, :...
M_factorprime_factors decompose a number into its prime factors
M_generic_listM_generic_list A Generic Linked List Implementation in Fortran 95 (LICENSE:MIT)
M_generic_listlist_free Free the entire list and all data, beginning at SELF (LICENSE:MIT)
M_generic_listlist_get Return the DATA stored in the node SELF (LICENSE:MIT)
M_generic_listlist_init Initialize a head node SELF and optionally store the provided DATA. (LICENSE:MIT)
M_generic_listlist_insert Insert a list node after SELF containing DATA (optional) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_generic_listlist_next Return the next node after SELF (LICENSE:MIT)
M_generic_listlist_put Store the encoded DATA in list node SELF (LICENSE:MIT)
M_geographygeographical_distance Compute the distance between two points over the Earth's surface. (LICENSE:GPL3)
M_getkeysystem_getkey read single character from keyboard in hot (raw I/O) mode (LICENSE:PD)
M_graphgraph Draw an XY graph
M_graphgraph_init initialize the longlib graphics plot routine graph(3f)
M_hashkeys:bucket_hashdjb2_hash djb2 string hash (algorithm by Daniel J. Bernstein) (LICENSE:PD)
M_hashkeys:bucket_hashsdbm_hash sdbm string hash (LICENSE:PD)
M_hashkeysb3hs_hash_key_jenkins hash key algorithm by Bob Jenkins (LICENSE:PD)
M_hashkeyscrc32_hash CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) (LICENSE:PD)
M_hashkeysdirtys_sha256 generate a SHA-256 hashing
M_hashkeysluhn_checksum Luhn checksum algorithm applied to a string of numeric values
M_hashkeyssha256 generate a SHA-256 hashing
M_historyredo Fortran-based Input History Editor (LICENSE:PD)
M_htmlM_html a module of routines to help write output as HTML documents (LICENSE:PD)
M_htmlh_array print a numeric array as an HTML table (LICENSE:PD)
M_htmlh_close close an HTML file (LICENSE:PD)
M_htmlh_open open an HTML file (LICENSE:PD)
M_hybridstrgar3 fetch a value from language dictionary but process via calculator too
M_io:ENVIRONMENTgetname get name of the currnt executable (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:ENVIRONMENTlookfor look for a filename in a number of directories specified by an environment variable (LICE...
M_io:ENVIRONMENTseparator try to determine pathname directory separator character (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:ENVIRONMENTwhich given a command name find the pathname by searching the directories in the environment va...
M_iobasename return last component from filename (LICENSE:PD)
M_iodirname strip last component from filename (LICENSE:PD)
M_iofileclose A simple close of a sequential file (LICENSE:PD)
M_iofiledelete A simple close of an open file with STATUS='DELETE' (LICENSE:PD)
M_iofileopen A simple open of a sequential file (LICENSE:PD)
M_iofilewrite A simple write of a CHARACTER array to a file (LICENSE:PD)
M_ioget_tmp Return the name of the scratch directory (LICENSE:PD)
M_iogetline read a line from specified LUN into allocatable string up to line length limit (LICENSE:PD)
M_iojoinpath join parts of a pathname together (LICENSE:PD)
M_ionotopen Find a FUN/LUN (Fortran-unit-number) that is not in use (LICENSE:PD)
M_ionumber_of_lines read an open sequential file to get number of lines (LICENSE:PD)
M_ioprint_inquire Do INQUIRE on file by name/number and print results (LICENSE:PD)
M_iord ask for string from standard input with user-definable prompt (LICENSE:PD)
M_ioread_line read a line from specified LUN into allocatable string up to line length limit cleaning up input line...
M_ioread_table read file containing a table of numeric values (LICENSE:PD)
M_ioscratch Return the name of a scratch file (LICENSE:PD)
M_ioslurp read a file into a character array (LICENSE:PD)
M_iosplitpath split a Unix pathname into components (LICENSE:PD)
M_ioswallow read a file into a character array line by line (LICENSE:PD)
M_iosystem_dir return filenames in a directory matching specified wildcard string (LICENSE:PD)
M_iouniq append a number to the end of filename to make a unique name if name exists (LICENSE:PD)
M_journalM_journal write program messages to stdout and/or a log file (LICENSE:PD)
M_journaljournal provides public message routine, no paging or graphic mode change (LICENSE:PD)
M_listM_list maintain simple lists (LICENSE:PD)
M_listinsert insert entry into a string array at specified position (LICENSE:PD)
M_listlocate finds the index where a string is found or should be in a sorted array (LICENSE:PD)
M_listremove remove entry from an allocatable array at specified position (LICENSE:PD)
M_listreplace replace entry in a string array at specified position (LICENSE:PD)
M_logiccond process input files with embedded if/else/elseif/endif commands (LICENSE:PD)
M_luaM_lua Fortran interface to the LUA language (LICENSE:MIT)
M_matchaddset put C in SET(J) if it fits, increment J
M_matchamatch - look for pattern matching regular expression; returns its location
M_matchamatch_ - look for pattern matching regular expression; returns its location
M_matchdodash expand array(i-1)-array(i+1) into set(j)...
M_matchesc map array(i) into escaped character if appropriate
M_matchfilset expand set at array(i) into set(j), stop at delim
M_matchgetccl expand char class at arg(i) into pat(j)
M_matchgetpat convert argument into pattern
M_matchgetpat_ convert argument into pattern
M_matchlocate look for c in char class at pat(offset)
M_matchmakpat make pattern from arg(from), terminate at delim
M_matchmakpat_ make pattern from arg(from), terminate at delim
M_matchmatch find match anywhere on line
M_matchomatch try to match a single pattern at pat(j)
M_matchomatch_ try to match a single pattern at pat(j)
M_matchpatsiz returns size of pattern entry at pat(n)
M_matchstclos insert closure entry at pat(j)
M_math:fitjulfit linear least squares curve fits, destroys input arrays
M_math:fitlinearint interpolates a curve defined by X(i), Y(i) using linear interpolation at given XI(j) values
M_math:fitlowess procedures for locally weighted regression
M_math:fitsplift fits a spline to the n data points given in x and y and also returns first and second derivatives
M_math:fitsplint interpolates and twice differentiates a cubic spline
M_math:geometryciter determine various geometric properties of a circle segment given radius and area of the se...
M_math:geometryclosest find the data point that is closest to the target point
M_math:geometryenvelope Find vertices (in clockwise order) of a polygon enclosing the points (x(i), y(i), i=1, ......
M_math:geometryhypot Euclidean distance function
M_math:geometryinpolygon determine whether or not an integer point is in an integer polygon
M_math:geometrylocpt find if a point is inside a polygonal path
M_math:geometrypoly_intercept intersection of a straight line and polygonal path
M_math:geometrypolyarea compute the area bounded by a simple closed polygonal curve
M_math:geometrypolyarea_shoelace compute area bounded by a simple closed polygon using the shoelace algorithm
M_math:integralqhfg compute integral values for given general table of argument, function, and derivative values.
M_math:statisticsbds Basic Statistical Measures
M_math:statisticsextremum Finds the minimum and maximum value in a REAL array.
M_math:statisticsskekur1 variant on calculating skewness and kurtosis of an array
M_math:statisticsskekurx Compute unbiased estimator of the population SKEWNESS and KURTOSIS
M_math:statisticsstddev given a real vector and the vector average calculate the standard deviation
M_mathbound constrain a value to a range
M_mathgcsgau1 solve a system of simultaneous linear equations (LICENSE:PD)
M_mathgcsgau2 solve a system of simultaneous linear equations (LICENSE:PD)
M_mathglstsq least squares fit to a polynomial expression (LICENSE:PD)
M_mathinvert_2x2 directly invert 2x2 matrix
M_mathinvert_3x3 directly invert 3x3 matrix
M_mathinvert_4x4 directly invert 4x4 matrix
M_mathju_polfit Fit discrete data in a least squares sense by polynomials in one variable.
M_mathmagic_square create an N x N magic square array, N>2
M_mathncr Calculate the number of unique combinations of r objects out of n.
M_mathqhsg Compute integral values for given table of argument, function, 1st derivative, and 2nd derivative v...
M_mathqtfg Compute integral values for given general table of argument and function values.
M_mathquadratic calculate the roots of a quadratic formula even if they are complex
M_mathscale1 find new range xMINP XMAXP divisible into approximately N linear intervals of size DIST
M_mathscale3 find nice log range
M_mathtrapezoidal_integral trapezoidal integration
M_matrixmat88 initialize and/or pass commands to matrix laboratory interpreter
M_messagesblocks write large block letters (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesjunbad print an eye-catching image of a skull. (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesjunbat print an eye-catching image of a bat. (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesjunbuster call journal(3f) to print eye-catching ASCII graphic (ghostbuster) (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesjundragon fill in a character array with a message (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesjunroach print an eye-catching image of a roach. (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesjunsun print an eye-catching image of a smiling sun. (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesjuntrolls print an eye-catching bulletin (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagespercent_done non-advancing status counter displays percentage done on terminal displays (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagessigns write out string in large block letters (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagestabgraph write out a row of numbers and a text-based scaled graph (LICENSE:PD)
M_msgstderr write message to stderr (LICENSE:PD)
M_msgstr converts any standard scalar type to a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_msgwrt write multiple scalar values to any number of files (LICENSE:PD)
M_overloadM_overload overloads of standard operators and intrinsic procedures (LICENSE:PD)
M_pathpath OOP interface for a GNU Linux or Unix pathname (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel::INTROM_pixel module for drawing into a pixel array with 2D vector operations (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:ARCSarc draw an arc using current line width and color (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:ARCScircle draw a circle using current line width and color (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:ARCScircleprecision set number of line segments used to approximate a circle (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORclosest_color_name returns the closest name for the given RGB values. (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORcolor set current color index (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORcolor_name2rgb returns the RGB values in the range 0 to 100 for a given known color name. (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORhue converts a color's components from one color model to another (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORmapcolor set a color index using RGB values (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWdraw2 draw from current position to given point (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWline draw line between two points (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWmove2 change current position (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWpoint2 Draw a point at x, y (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWpolyline2 - draw an unclosed polyline in the XY plane (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWrdraw2 draw from current position to given point (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWrmove2 relative move (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:POLYGONSclosepoly Terminates a polygon opened by makepoly(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:POLYGONSmakepoly opens polygon constructed by a series of move-draws and closed by closepoly | (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:POLYGONSpoly2 construct a polygon from an array of points (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:POLYGONrect draw rectangle given two corners (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:PRINTprint_ascii print small pixel array as ASCII text (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:PRINTprint_p3 print pixel array as a ppm p3 file (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:PRINTprint_p6 print pixel array as a ppm file (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:PRINTprint_ppm print pixel array as a ppm file (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTcentertext set text centering mode for drawstr(3f) and drawc(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTdrawchar Draw a character at the current position (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTdrawstr Draw the text string at the current position (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTfont select font style by name (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXThershey draw text string as Hershey software vector fonts (LICENSE:PD
M_pixel:TEXTjustfy return lengths used to justify a string when calling hershey (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTstrlength return length of string (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTtextang set text angle (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTtextsize set text size in world units (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTxcentertext set text centering mode on for drawstr(3f) and drawc(3f) in X direction (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTycentertext set text centering mode on for drawstr(3f) and drawc(3f) in Y direction (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TRIGONOMETRYd2r convert degrees to radians (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TRIGONOMETRYpolar_to_cartesian convert polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelclear clear background to current color or specified color index (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelgetdisplaysize Returns the width and height of the device in pixels (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelgetgp2 Gets the current graphics position in world coords. (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelgetviewport return viewport in screen pixel coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixellinewidth set linewidth (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelortho2 define the area of the virtual world coordinates to map to the viewport (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelpage define the area of the virtual world coordinates to map to the viewport (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelpixel set pixel to current color (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelprefsize specify size of pixel array (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelstate print graphics state of M_pixel graphics module (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelvexit exit pixel graphics mode (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelviewport Specify which part of the screen to draw in. (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelvinit initialize pixel graphics module (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel_slicesdl_slices basic 3-d surface plotting routine
M_processM_process Fortran Module for calling process-related C functions from Fortran (LICENSE:PD)
M_processprocess_close close a process being written to or read from (LICENSE:PD)
M_processprocess_open_read open a process for reading using POSIX interface (LICENSE:PD)
M_processprocess_open_write open a process for writing using a POSIX interface (LICENSE:PD)
M_processprocess_readall read all lines from process into single string (LICENSE:PD)
M_processprocess_readline read a line of output from a system command as a character variable (LICENSE:PD)
M_processprocess_writeline write to a process using a POSIX interface (LICENSE:PD)
M_random::INTROM_random Routines for generating random numbers and strings
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_init Initialize the Mersenne Twister random number generator with "seed" (LICENSE:...
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_init_by_array Initialize the Mersenne Twister random number generator with "seed" ...
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_rand Obtain the next 32-bit integer in the pseudo-random sequence (LICENSE:CUSTOM ...
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_rand64 Obtain the next 64-bit integer in the pseudo-random sequence (LICENSE:CUSTO...
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_rand_range Obtain a pseudo-random integer in the range [lo, hi] (LICENSE:CUSTOM OPEN)
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_rand_real1 Obtain a pseudo-random real number in the range [0.0, 1.0] (LICENSE:CUS...
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_rand_real2 Obtain a pseudo-random real number in the range [0, <1) (LICENSE:CUSTOM...
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_rand_real3 Obtain a pseudo-random real number in the range (0< XXX <1) (LICENSE:CU...
M_randominit_random_seed seed random_number(3f) with single value like srand(3c) usage (LICENSE:MIT)
M_randominit_random_seed_by_dat seed random_number(3f) with values from date_and_time(3f) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_randominit_random_seed_by_system_clock seed random_number(3f) with system clock value (LICENSE:MIT)
M_randomrandom_hex create a string representing a random hexadecimal value of specified length (LICENSE:MIT)
M_randomrandom_int return an integer between low and high value inclusive (LICENSE:MIT)
M_randomrandom_kiss64 A 64-bit KISS random number generator by George Margaglia.
M_randomrandom_string create random string composed of provided characters of specified length (LICENSE:MIT)
M_randomscramble generate an integer array of specified size populated with a random permutation of 1 to size(arra...
M_readgifreadgif read a GIF file (LICENSE:PD)
M_readlineM_readline Calling readline(3c) from Fortran (LICENSE:PD)
M_readlinesystem_readline Call readline(3c) from Fortran (LICENSE:PD)
M_regexM_regex Fortran interface to POSIX 1003.2 regular expression library using ISO_C_BINDING.
M_regexregcomp Compile a regular expression into a regex object
M_regexregerror maps a non-zero errcode from either regcomp(3f) or regexec(3f) to a human-readable, printable mess...
M_regexregexec Execute a compiled regex against a string
M_regexregfree Release storage used by the internal form of the RE (Regular Expression)
M_regexregmatch return selected substring defined by theMATCHES(2, :) array
M_regexregsub perform regex substitutions
M_sha3M_sha3 a module implementing the SHA-3 hash function
M_slicesdl_init initialize the longlib graphics plot package (LICENSE:PD)
M_slicesdl_slices plot data in 3-D overlay form (LICENSE:PD)
M_slicesdl_symbol routine to plot characters and symbols (LICENSE:PD)
M_sortM_sort Fortran module containing sorting algorithms for arrays of standard scalar types (LICENSE:PD)
M_sortbytes_to_anything convert bytes(character)len=1):: array(:)) to standard types (LICENSE:PD)
M_sortsort_quick_rx indexed hybrid quicksort of an array (LICENSE:PD)
M_sortsort_shell Generic subroutine sorts the array X using Shell's method (LICENSE:PD)
M_sortswap elemental subroutine swaps two standard type variables of like type (LICENSE:PD)
M_sortswap_any subroutine swaps two variables of like type (LICENSE:PD)
M_sorttree_insert sort a number of integers by building a tree, sorted in infix order (LICENSE:MIT)
M_sorttree_print print a sorted integer tree generated by tree_insert(3f) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_sortunique assuming an array is sorted, return array with duplicate values removed (LICENSE:PD)
M_sqliteM_sqlite Fortran interface to SQLite3 API
M_sqlitesqlite3_begin Start a transaction on the given database
M_sqlitesqlite3_close Close a database file
M_sqlitesqlite3_column_props Convenience routine to set the properties of a column
M_sqlitesqlite3_column_query Convenience routine to query a column or a function of that column
M_sqlitesqlite3_commit Commits a transaction on the given database
M_sqlitesqlite3_create_table Create a new table
M_sqlitesqlite3_delete_table Delete a table
M_sqlitesqlite3_do Run a single SQL command
M_sqlitesqlite3_errmsg Return the last error message
M_sqlitesqlite3_error Return the last error code
M_sqlitesqlite3_finalize Finalize the prepared SQL statement
M_sqlitesqlite3_get_column Convenience routine to get the value of a column
M_sqlitesqlite3_get_table Call sqlite3_exec() and return the result in an array of strings
M_sqlitesqlite3_insert Insert a complete row into the given table
M_sqlitesqlite3_libversion obtain string describing library version
M_sqlitesqlite3_libversion_number obtain library version number
M_sqlitesqlite3_next_row Gets the next row of data from a selection
M_sqlitesqlite3_open Open a database file
M_sqlitesqlite3_prepare Reset the prepared SQL statement so that it can be used again
M_sqlitesqlite3_prepare_select Prepare a selection of data from the database
M_sqlitesqlite3_query_table Retrieve the column names and types from a table
M_sqlitesqlite3_reset Reset the prepared SQL statement so that it can be used again
M_sqlitesqlite3_rollback Rolls back any changes to the database since the last commit
M_sqlitesqlite3_set_column Convenience routines to set the value of a column
M_sqlitesqlite3_sourceid obtain string describing library version
M_sqlitesqlite3_step Run the prepared SQL statement
M_steam67condl67 return thermal conductivity given P, T
M_steam67condv67 compute thermal conductivity of water at pressure P and temperature T
M_steam67cpl67 CPL67 calculates specific isobaric head capacity of water at pressure P and temperature T
M_steam67cpv67 calculates specific isobaric heat capacity and specific volume of water at pressure P and temper...
M_steam67crflo67 critical flow and degrees superheat of wet/superheated steam at PRES, ENTH
M_steam67critvs67 function critvs67(press, enth, gamma)
M_steam67crvel67 critical flow velocity and isentropic exponent of wet/superheated steam
M_steam67hcl67 calculate specific enthalpy and entropy of water at pressure P and temp T
M_steam67hcsl67 calculate specific enthalpy/volume and entropy of liquid(P, T)
M_steam67hcslv267 calculate specific enthalpy, specific volume, and entropy of the liquid at P and T
M_steam67hcslvl67 calculate V, S, specific enthalpy for liquid given (P, T)
M_steam67hisiss67 calculate specific enthalpy, temperature, specific volume, and steam quality of water at P and S.
M_steam67hsl67 calculate specific enthalpy of the saturated liquid at temperature T
M_steam67hss67 specific enthalpy = HSS67(P, T, s, v)
M_steam67hssicl67 compute specific enthalpy and temperature of water at pressure P and entropy S
M_steam67hsv67 specific enthalpy, temperature, specific entropy, and specific volume of saturated vapor at pres...
M_steam67pls67 saturation pressure of the saturated liquid at entropy SS.
M_steam67prliq67 compute the Prandtl number of the liquid at pressure P and temperature T in regsion 1
M_steam67prstm67 compute the Prandtl number of the liquid at pressure P and temperature T. in Region 2
M_steam67psl167 calculate saturation pressure of the saturated liquid at temperature T.
M_steam67psl67 calculate saturation pressure of the saturated liquid at temperature T
M_steam67psv167 calculate saturation pressure in psia of the saturated liquid at entropy SS.
M_steam67psv267 calculate saturation pressure in psia of the saturated liquid at entropy SS.
M_steam67psv67 calculate saturation pressure of the saturated liquid at entropy SS in psia
M_steam67sisiss67 calculate specific entropy, temperature, specific volume, and steam quality of the liquid at pr...
M_steam67sssicl67 calculate specific entropy and temperature of the liquid at pressure P and enthalpy H.
M_steam67sssiss67 calculate specific entropy, temperature, specific volume, and steam quality of the liquid at pr...
M_steam67steamv67 print version information to unit and return version string
M_steam67vcl67 compute the specific volume of the liquid at pressure P and temperature T
M_steam67vsl67 calculate specific volume on the liquid side of the saturation line
M_steam67zsrh67 calculate remaining variables at extremities of isentropic process given inlet, exit P, inlet en...
M_strings:ARRAYc2s convert C string pointer to Fortran character string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:ARRAYs2c convert character variable to array of characters with last element set to null (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:ARRAYswitch converts between CHARACTER scalar and array of single characters (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:BASEbase convert whole number string in base [2-36] to string in alternate base [2-36] (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:BASEcodebase convert whole number in base 10 to string in base [2-36] (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:BASEdecodebase convert whole number string in base [2-36] to base 10 number (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:CASElower changes a string to lowercase over specified range (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:CASEupper changes a string to uppercase (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:CASEupper_quoted elemental function converts string to miniscule skipping strings quoted per Fortran sy...
M_strings:COMPAREfortran_name test if string meets criteria for being a fortran name
M_strings:COMPAREglob compare given string for match to a pattern which may contain globbing wildcard characte...
M_strings:COMPAREisalnum test membership in subsets of ASCII set (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisalpha returns .true. if character is a letter and .false. otherwise (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisascii returns .true. if the character is in the range char(0) to char(256) (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisblank returns .true. if character is a blank character (space or horizontal tab). (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREiscntrl returns .true. if character is a delete character or ordinary control character (LICENSE...
M_strings:COMPAREisdigit returns .true. if character is a digit (0, 1, ..., 9) and .false. otherwise (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisgraph returns .true. if character is a printable character except a space is considered non-pr...
M_strings:COMPAREislower returns .true. if character is a miniscule letter (a-z) (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisprint returns .true. if character is an ASCII printable character (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREispunct returns .true. if character is a printable punctuation character (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisspace returns .true. if character is a null, space, tab, carriage return, new line, vertical t...
M_strings:COMPAREisupper returns .true. if character is an uppercase letter (A-Z) (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisxdigit returns .true. if character is a hexadecimal digit (0-9, a-f, or A-F). (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:EDITINGchange change old string to new string with a directive like a line editor (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:EDITINGjoin append CHARACTER variable array into a single CHARACTER variable with specified separato...
M_strings:EDITINGmodif emulate the MODIFY command from the line editor XEDIT (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:EDITINGreplace function globally replaces one substring for another in string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:EDITINGreverse Return a string reversed (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:EDITINGsubstitute subroutine globally substitutes one substring for another in string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:EDITINGtransliterate replace characters from old set with new set (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:INTROM_strings Fortran string module
M_strings:INTROM_strings_oop OOP Fortran string module
M_strings:LENGTHatleast return string padded to at least specified length (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:LENGTHlen_white get length of string trimmed of whitespace. (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:LENGTHlenset return string trimmed or padded to specified length (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:LENGTHmerge_str pads strings to same length and then calls MERGE(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:LENGTHstretch return string padded to at least specified length (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:MATCHends_with test if string ends with specified suffix(es) (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NONALPHAdilate expand tab characters (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NONALPHAexpand expand C-like escape sequences (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NONALPHAnoesc convert non-printable characters to a space (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NONALPHAnotabs expand tab characters (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NONALPHAvisible expand a string to control and meta-control representations (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NUMERICgetvals read arbitrary number of REAL values from a character variable up to size of VALUES() ar...
M_strings:NUMERICisnumber determine if a string represents a number (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NUMERIClistout expand a list of numbers where negative numbers denote range ends (1 -10 means 1 thru 10...
M_strings:NUMERICs2v function returns doubleprecision numeric value from a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NUMERICs2vs given a string representing numbers return a numeric array (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NUMERICstring_to_value subroutine returns numeric value from string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NUMERICstring_to_values read a string representing numbers into a numeric array (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NUMERICv2s return numeric string from a numeric value (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NUMERICvalue_to_string return numeric string from a numeric value (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:QUOTESquote add quotes to string as if written with list-directed input (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:QUOTESunquote remove quotes from string as if read with list-directed input (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TOKENSchomp Tokenize a string, consuming it one token per call (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TOKENSdelim parse a string and store tokens into an array (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TOKENSfmt break a long line into a paragraph (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TOKENSsep function to parse string into an array using specified delimiters (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TOKENSsplit parse string into an array using specified delimiters (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TOKENSstrtok Tokenize a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:WHITESPACEadjustc center text (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:WHITESPACEcompact converts contiguous whitespace to a single character (or nothing) (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:WHITESPACEcrop trim leading blanks and trailing blanks from a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:WHITESPACEindent count number of leading spaces in a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:WHITESPACEnospace remove all whitespace from input string (LICENSE:PD)
M_stringsdescribe returns a string describing the name of a single character (LICENSE:PD)
M_stringsmsg converts any standard scalar type to a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_stringsrotate13 apply trivial ROT13 encryption to a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_system::INTROM_system Fortran interface to C system interface (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ENVIRONMENTset_environment_variable call setenv(3c) to set environment variable (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ENVIRONMENTsystem_clearenv clear environment by calling clearenv(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ENVIRONMENTsystem_getenv get environment variable from Fortran by calling get_environment_variable(3f) (L...
M_system:ENVIRONMENTsystem_initenv initialize environment table pointer and size so table can be read by readenv(3...
M_system:ENVIRONMENTsystem_putenv set environment variable from Fortran by calling putenv(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ENVIRONMENTsystem_readenv step thru and read environment table (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ENVIRONMENTsystem_unsetenv delete an environment variable by calling unsetenv(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ERROR_PROCESSINGsystem_errno C error return value (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ERROR_PROCESSINGsystem_perror print error message for last C error on stderr (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_chown change file owner and group (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_link link one file to another file relative to two directory file descriptors (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_mkdir call mkdir(3c) to create a new directory (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_mkfifo make a FIFO special file relative to directory file descriptor (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_realpath call realpath(3c) to resolve a pathname (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_rmdir call rmdir(3c) to remove empty directories (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_setumask set the file mode creation umask (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_unlink remove a directory entry relative to directory file descriptor (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_utime set file access and modification times (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:PSEUDORANDOMsystem_rand call pseudo-random number generator rand(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:PSEUDORANDOMsystem_srand set seed for pseudo-random number generator system_rand(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getegid get the effective group ID (GID) of current process from Fortran by calling getegid(3...
M_system:QUERYsystem_geteuid get effective UID of current process from Fortran by calling geteuid(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getgid get the real group ID (GID) of current process from Fortran by calling getgid(3c) (LIC...
M_system:QUERYsystem_getgrgid get groupd name associated with a GID (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_gethostname get name of current host (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getlogin get login name (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getpid get PID (process ID) of current process from Fortran by calling getpid(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getppid get parent process ID (PPID) of current process from Fortran by calling getppid(3c) (...
M_system:QUERYsystem_getpwuid get login name associated with a UID (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getsid get the process group ID of a session leader (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getuid get real UID of current process from Fortran by calling getuid(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_setsid create session and set the process group ID of a session leader (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEfileglob Read output of an ls(1) command from Fortran (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_access checks accessibility or existence of a pathname (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_closedir close a directory stream by calling closedir(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_getcwd call getcwd(3c) to get the pathname of the current working directory (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_getumask get current umask (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_isblk checks if argument is a block device (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_ischr checks if argument is a character device (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_isdir checks if argument is a directory path (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_isfifo checks if argument is a fifo - named pipe (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_islnk checks if argument is a link (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_isreg checks if argument is a regular file (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_issock checks if argument is a socket (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_opendir open directory stream by calling opendir(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_perm get file type and permission as a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_readdir read a directory using readdir(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_rewinddir call rewinddir(3c) to rewind directory stream (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_stat Get file status information (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:SIGNALSsystem_kill send a signal to a process or a group of processes (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:SIGNALSsystem_signal install a signal handler (LICENSE:PD)
M_systemsystem_cpu_time get processor time by calling times(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_systemsystem_stat_print print the principal info obtained for a pathname from system_stat(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_systemsystem_uname call a C wrapper that calls uname(3c) to get current system information from Fortran (LICENSE...
M_system_FILE_SYSTEMsystem_chdir call chdir(3c) from Fortran to change working directory (LICENSE:PD)
M_system_FILE_SYSTEMsystem_chmod call chmod(3c) to change permission mode of a file relative to directory file des...
M_system_FILE_SYSTEMsystem_remove call remove(3c) to remove file (LICENSE:PD)
M_system_FILE_SYSTEMsystem_rename call rename(3c) to rename a system file (LICENSE:PD)
M_time::OBJECT_ORIENTEDM_time_oop OOP interface for M_time(3fm) (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:ASTROLOGICALeaster calculate date for Easter given a year (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:ASTROLOGICALmoon_fullness return percentage of moon phase from new to full (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:ASTROLOGICALphase_of_moon return name for phase of moon for given date (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:C_INTERFACEsystem_sleep call C sleep(3c) or usleep(3c) procedure (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:DATE_PRINTINGbox_month create specified month in a character array (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:DATE_PRINTINGfmtdate given DAT date-time array return date as string using specified format (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:DATE_PRINTINGfmtdate_usage display macros recognized by fmtdate(3f) and now(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:DATE_PRINTINGnow return string representing current time given format (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:DAY_OF_WEEKdow given a date-time array DAT return the day of the week (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:DURATIONdays2sec convert string of form [[-]dd-]hh:mm:ss.nn to seconds (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:DURATIONsec2days convert seconds to string of form dd-hh:mm:ss (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:JULIANd2j given DAT date-time array returns Julian Date (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:JULIANdate_to_julian converts DAT date-time array to Julian Date (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:JULIANj2d given a JED (Julian Ephemeris Date) returns a date-time array DAT. (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:JULIANjulian_to_date converts a JED(Julian Ephemeris Date) to a DAT date-time array. (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:MONTH_NAMEmo2d given month name return DAT date-time array for beginning of that month in specified yea...
M_time:MONTH_NAMEmo2v given month name return month number (1-12) of that month (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:MONTH_NAMEv2mo returns the month name of a Common month number (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:ORDINAL_DAYd2o converts DAT date-time array to Ordinal day (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:ORDINAL_DAYo2d converts Ordinal day to DAT date-time array (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:ORDINAL_DAYordinal_seconds seconds since beginning of year (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:ORDINAL_DAYordinal_to_date when given a valid year and day of the year returns the DAT array for the date (LI...
M_time:READING_DATESguessdate reads in a date, in various formats (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:UNIX_EPOCHd2u given DAT date-time array returns Unix Epoch Time (UET starts at 0000 on 1 Jan. 1970, UT...
M_time:UNIX_EPOCHdate_to_unix converts DAT date-time array to Unix Epoch Time (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:UNIX_EPOCHu2d given Unix Epoch Time returns DAT date-time array (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:UNIX_EPOCHunix_to_date converts Unix Epoch Time to DAT date-time array (LICENSE:PD)
M_time:WEEK_OF_YEARd2w calculate iso-8601 Week-numbering year date yyyy-Www-d given DAT date-time array (LICE...
M_time:WEEK_OF_YEARw2d calculate DAT date-time array from iso-8601 Week-numbering year date yyyy-Www-d (LICEN...
M_units::INTROM_units convert between various physical units (LICENSE:MIT)
M_units:LENGTHfeet_to_meters converts a measurement in feet to meters (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:LENGTHmeters_to_feet converts a measurement in meters to feet (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:MASSpounds_to_kilograms - converts a measurement in pounds-mass to kilograms. (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:SYMBOLSatomnum2symbol return element symbol given atomic number (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:SYMBOLSsymbol2atomnum return atomic number given element symbol name (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TEMPERATUREc2f convert Celsius to Fahrenheit (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TEMPERATUREf2c convert Fahrenheit to Celsius (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYacosd calculate arccosine of value in degrees (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYasind calculate arcsine of value in degrees (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYatan2d calculate arctangent of the complex number X + i Y (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYatand calculate arctangent of value in degrees (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYcartesian_to_polar convert Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYcartesian_to_spherical convert Cartesian coordinates to ISO polar coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYcosd calculate cosine of value in degrees (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYd2r convert degrees to radians (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYnorm_angle_360 Return input angle given in degrees as angle between 0 and 360 (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYnorm_angle_rad Return input angle given in radians as angle between 0 and 2pi (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYpolar_to_cartesian convert polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYr2d convert radians to degrees (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYsind calculate sine of value in degrees (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYspherical_to_cartesian convert ISO polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYtand calculate tangent of value in degrees (LICENSE:PD)
M_unitsinf return an inf (Infinity) (LICENSE:PD)
M_unitsis_even determine if integer is even (LICENSE:PD)
M_unitsis_nan determine if integer is a Nan (Not a Number) value (LICENSE:PD)
M_unitsnan return a NaN (Not a number) (LICENSE:PD)
M_uuidM_uuid a module of UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) procedures (LICENSE:CUSTOM OPEN)
M_uuidgenerate_uuid generate a UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) string per RFC 4122 (LICENSE:CUSTOM OPEN)
M_verifyM_verify a collection of Fortran routines for supporting code development by providing error processing, d...
M_verifyaccdig compare two real numbers only up to a specified number of digits (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyalmost return true or false if two numbers agree up to specified number of digits (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyassert print filename, linenumber, and message to stderr and stop program (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifydp_accdig compare two numbers only up to a specified number of digits (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyfstop call stop with both a number and a message (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyin_margin check if two reals are approximately equal using a relative margin
M_verifypdec write out string with ASCII decimal equivalent vertically under it (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifystderr write message to stderr (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyunit_check if logical expression is false, call command "goodbad NAME bad" and stop program by default (LI...
M_verifyunit_check_bad call command "goodbad NAME bad" and stop program (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyunit_check_done call command "goodbad NAME good" or "goodbad NAME bad" depending on whether failures were ...
M_verifyunit_check_good call command "goodbad NAME good" (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyunit_check_msg converts up to nine standard scalar values to a message for unit testing (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyunit_check_start call command "goodbad NAME start" and optionally set options (LICENSE:PD)
M_writegifwritegif Codes pixel-map with palette into GIF format. Optional transparent color (LICENSE:PD)
M_writegif_animatedwrite_animated_gif Codes pixel-maps with palette into animated GIF format. Optional ...
M_xtermM_xterm send escape sequences to an xterm(1) window that control VT102 emulator attributes (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_clear clear xterm(1) screen using escape sequences (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_colors set xterm(1) colors (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_font set xterm(1) font (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_geometry set xterm(1) size using escape sequences (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_get_colors query xterm(1) colors (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_get_font obtain xterm(1) font name (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_get_geometry obtain xterm(1) screen size in character units (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_get_iconstate obtain xterm(1) icon state using escape sequences (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_get_pencolor query xterm(1) color by number (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_get_position obtain xterm(1) screen position (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_keywords sent hints to X11 Window manager and select modes (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_labels set xterm(1) X11 WIndow labels using escape sequences (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_occupancy try to move xterm(1) to specified virtual display (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_pencolor set xterm(1) color by number using escape sequences (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_position set xterm(1) window position using escape sequences (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_width set xterm(1) width to 80 or 132 characters (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermxterm_xrdb write current xterm(1) window attributes as X11 Windows resources (LICENSE:PD)
M_xyplot:bannerillusion draw a banner page with short labels at the compass points (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_axis draw XY axis for XY plot routines (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_clear clear graphics area and ensure in graphics mode (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_drawplot draw an xy plot (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_get_plot_area initialize plot page and set up common page-related values (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_getdatarange get plot window extremes, set plot window extremes for dual axis (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_hcopy generate copy of the current plot for XY plot routines (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_id render the id(1) command for XY plots (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_init initialize command language and graphics mode to set up starting interpretation (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_init_globals call xy_init_labels(3f) an xy_init_markers(3f) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_jupage a good try at allowing mixing of PLT commands and M_plot commands (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_juparea parse parea command (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_jut allow user to place text on screen (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_marks draw examples of dash codes, pen styles and screen markers for XY plots (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_page_aspect Get aspect ratio from ASPECT command and call xy_aspct (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_set_plot_area initialize plot page and set up common page-related values (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_set_xmin set value for xmin/xmax/ymin/... command (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_setdash allow user to display|alter|retrieve dash codes by style number (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_setfill set background, middleground, and foreground colors for plot (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_setmark set or display marker geometries (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_storage if on a storage tube, clear the screen to unclutter it (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_sz change the size of the display surface (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_title allow user to add extra title lines by number (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_toggle special version of toggle(3f) to integrate calculator and language libraries (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_z Interactive ZOOM mode (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_zmode Interactive ZOOM mode (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_arrow Add xy_arrow from T text box to specified point (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_aspct Store plot window size in global variables and call plot_page() (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_bans draw banner lines from PLT ban command (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_con_x scale an axis value to the overall window/viewport (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_con_y scale an axis value to the overall window/viewport (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_convert do linear conversion for XY plot routines (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_fxed select whether a string is fixed-space or not (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_getdat place data from specified file and curve into xy_arrayQ xy_array (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_getmark get marker geometries (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_getrel return values to convert one set of units to another (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_getxy_jufont check and set font and store it so can query it (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_idbox Draw ID legend box specified with LEGEND command (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_idbox0 draw legend lines (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_ifdrawn xy_ifdrawn() is used to see if first page drawn or not (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_iflou set global flag for Leading Edge trimming (see LE command) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_iftext Add user-specified text strings to plot (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_init_default initialize XY plot routines (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_init_graphics Initialize PLT graphics environment (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_init_labels data defining all unit code labels (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_init_markers part of plot_axes(3f), used to define default geometric markers (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jucp plot string line at current position (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jucp2 plot string line at current position (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jucurv find extrema for group of curves and set legend label defaults (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_judraw draw curves to plot scales using plot_ values (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jufont check and set font and store it so can query it (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jugetwn query current window ( appropriate for 2-d only) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jumapc map colors using HUE command (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_juprint print string LINE at position x, y with embedded directives (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_juprints simple print of string l at position x, y (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_juput write current memory-resident curves in global variables(q) onto pseudo file (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jurang return nice max and min values for the axis, and nice axis grid spacings (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jutitl add title lines to plot (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jutitlx draw plot titling information (titles and legend block) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_laxis draw linear axis and logarithmic axis for PLT (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_listout3 copy rcurve_in to rcurve_out expanding negative curve numbers to ranges (1 -10 means 1 thru 10...
M_xyplotxy_loadtl load title xy_array (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_noclose flag whether to keep current device open while switching to alternate device (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_obj12345 create or close M_plot object 12345 (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_pause conditionally pause until graphic or text-window response (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_pickpnt interactively draw a line to current left scale and store the curve or return point (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_printban plot horizontal banner string at specified location (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_printbanv plot vertical banner string (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_rasters set line width (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_resetpens reset pens (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_retrv2 a special version of RETREV() that integrates the Calculator and Language library for XY plots (...
M_xyplotxy_set_bigger change title line size (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_setcnv set up conversion table for xy_con_x and xy_con_y functions (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_setlbl decide axis label strings (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_setsize use values to set size and border on output device (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_slide slide value (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_tidybox draw legend lines inside box specified on call (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_tidybox1 draw legend lines in box with legend box autosized and positioned by edge number (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_tidybox2 draw legend lines inside box specified on call (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_units given unit code return string label optionally converted to uppercase (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_ustrlen get software string length including trailing whitespace (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_ustrlen2 get software string length up to specified character (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_zoom given current four numbers defining a box; alter them by indicated selections of an old and new b...
NCURSESM_fixedform convert a text block into a TUI (screen interface) (LICENSE:PD)