
Manual Reference Pages  - hershey (3)


hershey(3f) - [M_pixel:TEXT] draw text string as Hershey software vector fonts (LICENSE:PD





   subroutine hershey(x,y,height,itext,theta,ntext)
   character(len=*),intent(in)   :: itext
   real,intent(in)               :: x,y
   real,intent(in)               :: height
   real,intent(in)               :: theta
   integer,intent(in)            :: ntext


X,Y are the coordinates in inches from the current origin to the lower left corner of the 1st character to be plotted. If either is set to 999.0 then saved next character position is used. HEIGHT is the character height in inches
ITEXT contains the text to be plotted
THETA is the positive CCW angle W.R.T. the X-axis
NTEXT is the number of characters in itext to plot
o If NTEXT.lt.-1 the pen is down to (X,Y) and a single special centered symbol is plotted. ITEXT must be from CHAR(0) to CHAR(21).
o If NTEXT.eq.-1 the pen is up to (X,Y) and a single special centered symbol is plotted. ITEXT must be from CHAR(0) to CHAR(21).
o if NTEXT=0 a single Simplex Roman character from ITEXT, left-justified, is plotted.
o if NTEXT.gt.0 NTEXT characters from ITEXT are decoded and NCHR characters are plotted where NCHR.le.NTEXT to remove backslashes, command codes, etc.


1) Four HERSHEY letter fonts--SIMPLEX,COMPLEX,ITALIC, and DUPLEX-- are provided in upper and lower case ROMAN
2) Two hershey letter fonts--SIMPLEX and COMPLEX--are provided in upper and lower case GREEK
3) 47 special mathematical symbols, e.g. integral sign, del... are provided
4) SUPER- and SUB-scripting is possible within a character string without separate calls to HERSHEY

Change of font is made by enclosing the name of the font in upper case in backslashes, e.g \SIMPLEX\. Three letters suffice to specify the font. SIMPLEX is the default font on the initial call to HERSHEY. A font remains in effect until explicitly changed. SUPER- or SUB-scripting is accomplished by enclosing the expression to be SUPER- or SUB-scripted in curly brackets and preceding it by SUP or SUB. the closing curly bracket terminates the SUPER- or SUB-scripting and returns to normal character plotting. Note that SUPER- and SUB-script letters are plotted with a different character size.

GREEK letters are drawn by enclosing the ENGLISH name of the letter in backslashes, e.g. \ALPHA\. The case of the first letter determines the case of the GREEK letter. The closing backslash must be included.

Any symbol may be called by enclosing the symbol number+1000 in backslashes. This is the only way to call some symbols, especially special mathematical symbols.

The symbol numbers are

    1-26    upper case ROMAN SIMPLEX
27-52 lower case ROMAN SIMPLEX
53-72 SIMPLEX numbers and symbols
73-96 upper case GREEK SIMPLEX
97-120 lower case GREEK SIMPLEX
  upper case ROMAN COMPLEX
  lower case ROMAN COMPLEX
  COMPLEX numbers and symbols
  upper case GREEK COMPLEX
  lower case GREEK COMPLEX
  upper case ROMAN ITALIC
  lower case ROMAN ITALIC
  ITALIC numbers and symbols
  upper case ROMAN DUPLEX
  lower case ROMAN DUPLEX
  DUPLEX numbers and symbols
  special mathematical symbols
Additional features added Feb 1982:

The pen may be moved back to the start point for the previous character by \BS\. This is useful, for example, in writing integral signs with limits above and below them.

Symbol parameters taken from N.M.Wolcott, FORTRAN IV Enhanced Character Graphics, NBS

A. CHAVE IGPP/UCSD Aug 1981, Modified Feb 1982 by A. Chave, R.L. Parker, and L. Shure

programmed in FORTRAN-77


Show all Hershey characters

   program demo_hershey
   use M_pixel
   use M_writegif_animated, only : write_animated_gif
   implicit none
   integer,parameter :: isize=600
   integer,parameter :: topsym=432
   integer           :: movie(1:topsym,0:isize-1,0:isize-1)
   integer           :: i
   !! set up environment
      call prefsize(isize,isize)
      call vinit()
      call ortho2(-150.0,150.0,-150.0,150.0)

!! draw all characters using hershey numeric strings do i=1,topsym !! draw reference circle and crosshairs call color(0) call clear()

call color(4) call linewidth(100) call circle(0.0,0.0,75.0) call move2(-75.0,0.0) call draw2(75.0,0.0) call move2(0.0,-75.0) call draw2(0.0,75.0)

call centertext(.true.) call color(7) call linewidth(500) call textang(3.0*i) call textang(0.0) call move2(0.0,0.0) call textsize(150.0,150.0) call drawstr(’#146;,i+1000,’#146;,nospace=.true.)

call centertext(.false.) call color(1) call move2(-120.0,120.0) call textsize(10.0,10.0) call linewidth(40) call drawstr(i+1000,’ ’) movie(i,:,:)=P_pixel enddo call vexit() !! write to file and display with display(1) call write_animated_gif(’hershey.3m_pixel.gif’,& & movie,P_colormap,delay=40) !call execute_command_line(’display hershey.3m_pixel.gif’) end program demo_hershey


Derived from the Longlib93 library.


Public Domain

Longlib was written by an employee of a US government contractor and is in the public domain.

Changes to modernize and make more portable by John S. Urban are also placed in the public domain.

hershey (3) March 11, 2021
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