
Manual Reference Pages  - hatchang (3)


hatchang(3f) - [M_draw:POLYGONS] Set the angle of the hatch lines. (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine hatchang(angle) real,intent(in) :: angle


Set the angle of the hatch lines. The angle is in degrees. Zero degrees is on the negative X axis. Positive values are counterclockwise. The value is 0 at program initialization. The last value set is retained even if hatching is not active or is turned on and off.


Sample program:

   program demo_hatchang
   use M_drawplus, only : draw_interpret
   character(len=:),allocatable :: draw_cmds(:)

DRAW_CMDS=[ CHARACTER(LEN=128) :: & ’prefsize 1000 200; vinit ’,& ’set b=.4; page -25-b 25+b -5-b 5+b; color 0;clear ’,& ’textsize .6 .7;font futura.l;centertext .true. ’,& ’leftjustify; linewidth 50; polyhatch .true.; hatchpitch 1/2 ’,& ’# draw circles with hatching ’,& ’linewidth 90;hatchang 90.1; color 7; circle X=-20 Y=0 5 ’,& ’move2 X-4.9 Y=-4.9;color 7;linewidth 60;drawstr 90 degrees ’,& ’linewidth 90;hatchang 45 ; color 2; circle X=-10 Y=0 5 ’,& ’move2 X-4.9 Y=-4.9;color 7;linewidth 60;drawstr 45 degrees ’,& ’linewidth 90;hatchang 0 ; color 6; circle X=-0 Y=0 5 ’,& ’move2 X-4.9 Y=-4.9;color 7;linewidth 60;drawstr 0 degrees ’,& ’linewidth 90;hatchang -45 ; color 5; circle X=10 Y=0 5 ’,& ’move2 X-4.9 Y=-4.9;color 7;linewidth 60;drawstr -45 degrees ’,& ’linewidth 90;hatchang -90 ; color 4; circle X=20 Y=0 5 ’,& ’move2 X-4.9 Y=-4.9;color 7;linewidth 60;drawstr -90 degrees ’,& ’linewidth 130 ’,& ’move2 0 0;draw2 -5 0 ’,& ’move2 -5 0;draw2 -4.4 0.3 ’,& ’move2 -5 0;draw2 -4.4 -0.3 ’,& ’rightjustify ’,& ’linewidth 60 ’,& ’move2 -5 0;drawstr 0 degrees ’,& ’getkey ’,& ’vexit ’,& ’’]

call draw_interpret(DRAW_CMDS,delimiters=’;’) end program demo_hatchang

hatchang (3) March 11, 2021
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