
Manual Reference Pages  - guessdate (3)


guessdate(3f) - [M_time:READING_DATES] reads in a date, in various formats (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine guessdate(anot,dat)

    character(len=*),intent(in) :: anot
    integer,intent(out)         :: dat(8)


Read in strings and except for looking for month names remove non-numeric characters and try to convert a string assumed to represent a date to a date-time array.

Years should always be expressed as four-digit numbers, and except for the special format yyyy-mm-dd the day should come after the year. Named months are preferred. If ambiguous the order is assumed to be day - month - year. Times are assumed to be of the form HH:MM:SS

It is planned that this routine will be superseded. As an alternative, a C routine exists in the standard C libraries that allows for expansive features when reading dates that can be called via the ISO_C_BINDING interface.


anot A string assumed to represent a date including a year, month and day.
dat Integer array holding a "DAT" array, similar in structure to the array returned by the intrinsic DATE_AND_TIME(3f):
                dat=[ year,month,day,timezone,hour,&
                 & minutes,seconds,milliseconds]


Sample program:

    program demo_guessdate
    use M_time, only : guessdate, fmtdate
    implicit none
    character(len=20),allocatable :: datestrings(:)
    character(len=:),allocatable  :: answer
    integer                       :: dat(8)
    integer                       :: i
       datestrings=[ &
       & ’January 9th, 2001   ’,&
       & ’ Tue Jul 19 2016    ’,&
       & ’ 21/12/2016         ’,&
       & ’ 4th of Jul 2004    ’ ]
       do i=1,size(datestrings)
          write(*,*)’TRYING ’,datestrings(i)
          call guessdate(datestrings(i),dat)
          write(*,*)’DAT ARRAY ’,dat
          write(*,*)’FOR ’//datestrings(i)//’ GOT ’//trim(answer)
    end program demo_guessdate


    TRYING January 9th, 2001
    DAT ARRAY         2001  1  9   -240    0   0   0    0
    FOR January 9th, 2001  GOT Tuesday, January 9th, 2001 12:00:00 AM
    TRYING  Tue Jul 19 2016
    DAT ARRAY         2016  7  19  -240    0   0   0    0
    FOR  Tue Jul 19 2016   GOT Tuesday, July 19th, 2016 12:00:00 AM
    TRYING  21/12/2016
    DAT ARRAY         2016  12 21  -240    0   0   0    0
    FOR  21/12/2016        GOT Wednesday, December 21st, 2016 12:00:00 AM
    TRYING  4th of Jul 2004
    DAT ARRAY         2004  7  4   -240    0   0   0    0
    FOR  4th of Jul 2004   GOT Sunday, July 4th, 2004 12:00:00 AM


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guessdate (3) March 11, 2021
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