
Manual Reference Pages  - fortran_recursion (7)


fortran_recursion(7f) - [FORTRAN] Examples of recursion (LICENSE:PD)




Sample program that does a simple flood fill using recursion

   program testit
      integer  :: array(20,50)
   ! Fill array with rectangles of values
      array(:,:)=61 ! fill array
      do  i=  5   ,  15;  do  j=  4   ,  45;  array(i  ,  j)=  43;  enddo;  enddo
      do  i=  10  ,  12;  do  j=  3   ,  35;  array(i  ,  j)=  45;  enddo;  enddo
      do  i=  13  ,  18;  do  j=  2   ,  45;  array(i  ,  j)=  45;  enddo;  enddo
      do  i=  2   ,  10;  do  j=  26  ,  49;  array(i  ,  j)=  45;  enddo;  enddo
      do  i=  3   ,  8;   do  j=  30  ,  44;  array(i  ,  j)=  42;  enddo;  enddo
      do  i=  2   ,  2;   do  j=  2   ,  14;  array(i  ,  j)=  45;  enddo;  enddo
   !  print the array assuming the values can be printed as characters
      WRITE (*, FMT = ’(50a1)’) ((char(array(i,j)),j=1,50,1),i=1,20,1)
   !  pick a point and flood fill value 45 with value 35
      call flood_fill(array,10,17,45,35)
      WRITE (*, FMT = ’(50a1)’) ((char(array(i,j)),j=1,50,1),i=1,20,1)
      recursive subroutine flood_fill(array,y,x,old_attribute,new_attribute)
   ! Stack-based recursive flood-fill (Four-way)
   ! Flood fill, also called seed fill, is an algorithm that determines the
   ! area connected to a given node in a multi-dimensional array. It is used
   ! in pixel-based graphics to "bucket" fill connected, similarly-colored
   ! areas with a different color,
   ! The flood fill algorithm takes three parameters: a start node, a target
   ! color, and a replacement color. The algorithm looks for all nodes in the
   ! array which are connected to the start node by a path of the target color,
   ! and changes them to the replacement color.
   ! Depending on whether we consider nodes touching at the corners connected
   ! or not, we have two variations, Eight-way and Four-way, respectively.
   ! One implicitly stack-based (recursive) flood-fill implementation (for
   ! a two-dimensional array) goes as follows:
   ! Flood-fill (node, target-color, replacement-color):
   !  1. If target-color is equal to replacement-color, return.
   !  2. If the color of node is not equal to target-color, return.
   !  3. Set the color of node to replacement-color.
   !  4. Perform Flood-fill (one step to the west of node, target-color, replacement-color).
   !     Perform Flood-fill (one step to the east of node, target-color, replacement-color).
   !     Perform Flood-fill (one step to the north of node, target-color, replacement-color).
   !     Perform Flood-fill (one step to the south of node, target-color, replacement-color).
   !  5. Return.
   ! Though easy to understand, the implementation of the algorithm above
   ! is impractical in languages and environments where stack space is
   ! severely constrained. Many other algorithms are available if this is an issue.
         integer  ::  array(:,:)
         integer  :: y, x, old_attribute, new_attribute
         integer  :: test_attribute
         if(test_attribute.eq.new_attribute) return
         if(test_attribute.ne.old_attribute) return
         if(x.gt.1)                call flood_fill(array,y,x-1,old_attribute,new_attribute)
         if(x.lt.size(array,dim=2))call flood_fill(array,y,x+1,old_attribute,new_attribute)
         if(y.gt.1)                call flood_fill(array,y-1,x,old_attribute,new_attribute)
         if(y.lt.size(array,dim=1))call flood_fill(array,y+1,x,old_attribute,new_attribute)
      end subroutine flood_fill
   end program testit

fortran_recursion (7) March 11, 2021
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