
Manual Reference Pages  - font (3)


font(3f) - [M_pixel:TEXT] select font style by name (LICENSE:PD)

SYNOPSIS: definition:

        subroutine font(fontname)
        character(len=*),intent(in) :: fontname




Set the current font. Allowed names are
o futura.l SIMPLEX
o futura.m DUPLEX
o times.r COMPLEX
o times.i ITALIC


Sample Program:

   program demo_font
   use :: M_pixel
   use :: M_writegif, only : writegif
   implicit none
   real    :: left
   real    :: baseline=80.0
   integer :: icolor=1
      !! set up drawing surface
      call prefsize(400, 400)
      call vinit()
      call viewport(0.0, 400.0, 400.0, 0.0)
      call ortho2(-100.0, 100.0, -100.0, 100.0)
      call color(7)
      call clear()
      call textsize(10.0, 10.0)
      !! place a vertical line along the edge
      call color(1)
      call move2(-90.0, -90.0)
      call draw2(-90.0, 90.0)
      !! make a centered title at top a bit bolder and bigger
      call xcentertext()
      call textsize(13.0, 13.0)
      call linewidth(90)
      call nextline(’Font Samples’)
      !! print the font samples
      call linewidth(0)
      call textsize(10.0, 10.0)
      call centertext(.false.)
      call nextline(’DEFAULT (ie. futura.l)’)
      call nextline(’now call font(3f) ...’)
      call nextline(’SIMPLEX, or futura.l’)
      call nextline(’COMPLEX, or times.r’)
      call nextline(’ITALIC, or times.i’)
      call nextline(’DUPLEX, or futura.m’)
      call writegif(’font.3m_pixel.gif’,P_pixel,P_colormap)
      !call execute_command_line(’display font.3m_pixel.gif’)
      call vexit()
   subroutine nextline(string)
   character(len=*) :: string
   !! reduce some duplicate code; very specific to this example
   integer :: iend
      iend=index(string,’,’)  ! if comma, assume font name found
      if(iend.ne.0)call font(string(:iend-1)) ! change font
      icolor=icolor+1         ! set pen color
      call color(icolor)
      baseline=baseline-20    ! move down before drawing line
      call move2(left, baseline)
      call drawstr(string)    ! draw string
   end subroutine nextline

end program demo_font

font (3) March 11, 2021
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