
Manual Reference Pages  - delim (3)


delim(3f) - [M_strings:TOKENS] parse a string and store tokens into an array (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine delim(line,array,n,icount,ibegin,iterm,ilen,dlim)

character(len=*),intent(in) :: line integer,integer(in) :: n integer,intent(out) :: icount character(len=*) :: array(n) integer,intent(out) :: ibegin(n) integer,intent(out) :: iterm(n) integer,intent(out) :: ilen character(len=*) :: dlim


Given a LINE of structure " par1 par2 par3 ... parn " store each par(n) into a separate variable in ARRAY (UNLESS ARRAY(1).eq.’#N#’)

Also set ICOUNT to number of elements of array initialized, and return beginning and ending positions for each element in IBEGIN(N) and ITERM(N).

Return position of last non-blank character (even if more than N elements were found) in ILEN

No quoting or escaping of delimiter is allowed, so the delimiter character can not be placed in a token.

No checking for more than N parameters; If any more they are ignored.


LINE input string to parse into tokens
  array that receives tokens
N size of arrays ARRAY, IBEGIN, ITERM
ICOUNT number of tokens found IBEGIN(N) starting columns of tokens found
  ending columns of tokens found
ILEN position of last non-blank character in input string LINE
DLIM delimiter characters


Sample program:

    program demo_delim

use M_strings, only: delim character(len=80) :: line character(len=80) :: dlm integer,parameter :: n=10 character(len=20) :: array(n)=’ ’ integer :: ibegin(n),iterm(n) line=’ first second 10.3 words_of_stuff ’ do i20=1,4 ! change delimiter list and what is calculated or parsed if(i20.eq.1)dlm=’ ’ if(i20.eq.2)dlm=’o’ if(i20.eq.3)dlm=’ aeiou’ ! NOTE SPACE IS FIRST if(i20.eq.3)ARRAY(1)=’#N#’ ! QUIT RETURNING STRING ARRAY if(i20.eq.4)line=’AAAaBBBBBBbIIIIIi J K L’

! write out a break line composed of =========== .. write(*,’(57("="))’) ! show line being parsed write(*,’(a)’)’PARSING=[’//trim(line)//’] on ’//trim(dlm) ! call parsing procedure call delim(line,array,n,icount,ibegin,iterm,ilen,dlm) write(*,*)’number of tokens found=’,icount write(*,*)’last character in column ’,ilen if(icount.gt.0)then if(ilen.ne.iterm(icount))then write(*,*)’ignored from column ’,iterm(icount)+1,’ to ’,ilen endif do i10=1,icount ! check flag to see if ARRAY() was set if(array(1).ne.’#N#’)then ! from returned array write(*,’(a,a,a)’,advance=’no’)& &’[’,array(i10)(:iterm(i10)-ibegin(i10)+1),’]’ endif enddo ! using start and end positions in IBEGIN() and ITERM() write(*,*) do i10=1,icount ! from positions in original line write(*,’(a,a,a)’,advance=’no’)& &’[’,line(ibegin(i10):iterm(i10)),’]’ enddo write(*,*) endif enddo end program demo_delim

Expected output


John S. Urban


Public Domain

delim (3) July 05, 2020
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