
Manual Reference Pages  - M_overload (3)


M_overload(3fm) - [M_overload] overloads of standard operators and intrinsic procedures (LICENSE:PD)




overloads on LOGICAL values


overloads on INTRINSICS to take strings, logicals, and metamorphic numeric intrinsic values

  int(’string’)   int(logical)   int(class(*))
  real(’string’)  real(logical)  real(class(*))
  dble(’string’)  dble(logical)  dble(class(*))

When sign(3f) is given a single value, call sign(1,value)


Allow allocatable variables for strings



Operator and function overloads have a wide range of applications from allowing existing Fortran routines to be used with almost no source-code changes to produce versions using arbitrary precision or cumulative error bounds on floating-point calculations to adding intuitive syntax for standard Fortran operations.


==,/= Allow the syntax "L1 == L2" and "L1 /= L2" where L1 and L2 are type LOGICAL as an alternative to the standard expressions "L1 .EQV. L2" and "L1 .NEQV. L2".

It should be pointed out that

              L1 == L2   !! should be L1 .eqv. L2


              L1 /= L2   !! should be L1 .neqv. L2

should NOT work by default; but often do (probably because the compiler silently converts LOGICAL to INTEGER when a LOGICAL appears where a numeric value is required). If your compiler supports this non-standard (but intuitive-looking) syntax you can use this module to allow the syntax in a portable manner with a standard method.
int(), real(), dble()
  allow strings to be converted to numeric values using the standard intrinsic names
  call sign(1,value)
  allow "command" to be allocatable
  allow "value" to be allocatable
The intrinsics allow an allocated allocatable variable but do not change its allocation so to force reallocation of an allocatable variable the new logical argument "realloc" is added to force reallocation.


Sample usage:

  program demo_M_overload

use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : & & integer_kinds, int8, int16, int32, int64 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : & & real32, real64, real128 use M_compare_float_numbers, only : operator(.EqualTo.)

! allow strings to be converted to integers use M_overload, only : int ! allow strings to be converted to floating point use M_overload, only : real,dble ! use == like .eqv. use M_overload, only : operator(==) ! use /= like .neqv. use M_overload, only : operator(/=) ! take a single argument use M_overload, only : sign use M_overload, only : get_command implicit none character(len=:),allocatable :: cmd

if(int(’1234’) .eq.1234) & & write(*,*)’int("STRING") works ’ if(real(’1234.56789’) .EqualTo.1234.56789) & & write(*,*)’real("STRING") works ’ if(dble(’1234.5678901234567’).EqualTo.1234.5678901234567d0) & & write(*,*)’dble("STRING") works ’

if (.true. == .true. ) & & write(*,*)’== works like .eqv. for LOGICAL values’ if (.true. /= .false. ) & & write(*,*)’/= works like .neqv. for LOGICAL values’

write(*,*)int([’111’,’222’])+333 write(*,*)real([’111.111’,’222.222’])+333.333 write(*,*)dble([’111.111d0’,’222.222d0’])+333.333d0 write(*,*)dble([character(len=10) :: & & ’111’,’222.222’,’333.333d0’])+444.444d0

write(*,*) merge(’sign works’,’sign fails’,& & sign(10_int8).eq.1 & & .and. sign(-10_int8).eq.-1 ) write(*,*) merge(’sign works’,’sign fails’,& & sign(10_int16).eq.1 & & .and. sign(-10_int16).eq.-1 ) write(*,*) merge(’sign works’,’sign fails’,& & sign(10_int32).eq.1 & & .and. sign(-10_int32).eq.-1 ) write(*,*) merge(’sign works’,’sign fails’,& & sign(10_int64).eq.1 & & .and. sign(-10_int64).eq.-1 ) write(*,*) merge(’sign works’,’sign fails’,& & sign(10.0_real32).eq.1.0 & & .and. sign(-10.0_real32).eq.-1.0 ) write(*,*) merge(’sign works’,’sign fails’,& & sign(10.0_real64).eq.1.0 & & .and. sign(-10.0_real64).eq.-1.0 ) write(*,*) merge(’sign works’,’sign fails’,& & sign(10.0_real128).eq.1.0& & .and. sign(-10.0_real128).eq.-1.0 ) if(command_argument_count().eq.0)then call get_command(cmd,realloc=.true.) cmd=cmd// & &’ -x -y "hello there" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’ call execute_command_line(cmd) else call demo_get_command() call demo_get_command_argumentA() endif


     subroutine demo_get_command()
     use M_overload, only : get_command
     implicit none
     character(len=:),allocatable :: command_line
        call get_command(command=command_line)
     end subroutine demo_get_command

subroutine demo_get_command_argumentA() ! alloctable and realloc=.true. use M_overload, only : get_command_argument implicit none character(len=:),allocatable :: argument integer :: istat, i do i=0, command_argument_count() call get_command_argument(i, argument,status=istat,& & realloc=.true.) write (*,’(2(g0,1x),"[",a,"]")’) i,istat,argument enddo end subroutine demo_get_command_argumentA

end program demo_M_overload


    >  int("STRING") works
    >  real("STRING") works
    >  dble("STRING") works
    >  == works like .eqv. for LOGICAL values
    >  /= works like .neqv. for LOGICAL values
    >          444         555
    >    444.444000       555.554993
    >    444.44400000000002        555.55500000000006
    >    555.44399999999996        666.66600000000005        777.77700000000004
    >  sign works
    >  sign works
    >  sign works
    >  sign works
    >  sign works
    >  sign works
    >  sign works
    >  int("STRING") works
    >  real("STRING") works
    >  dble("STRING") works
    >  == works like .eqv. for LOGICAL values
    >  /= works like .neqv. for LOGICAL values
    >          444         555
    >    444.444000       555.554993
    >    444.44400000000002        555.55500000000006
    >    555.44399999999996        666.66600000000005        777.77700000000004
    >  sign works
    >  sign works
    >  sign works
    >  sign works
    >  sign works
    >  sign works
    >  sign works
    > 57 xx -x -y hello there xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    > 0 0 [xx]
    > 1 0 [-x]
    > 2 0 [-y]
    > 3 0 [hello there]
    > 4 0 [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
    > 0 0 [xx        ]
    > 1 0 [-x        ]
    > 2 0 [-y        ]
    > 3 -1 [hello ther]
    > 4 -1 [xxxxxxxxxx]
    > 0 0 [xx                  ]
    > 1 0 [-x                  ]
    > 2 0 [-y                  ]
    > 3 0 [hello there         ]
    > 4 -1 [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]


John S. Urban


Public Domain

M_overload (3) October 17, 2020
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