
Manual Reference Pages  - M_generic_list (3)


M_generic_list(3f) - [M_generic_list] A Generic Linked List Implementation in Fortran 95 (LICENSE:MIT)




public :: list_node_t, list_data public :: list_init, list_free public :: list_insert, list_put, list_get, list_next


A linked list, or more specifically a singly-linked list, is a list consisting of a series of individual node elements where each node contains a data member and a pointer that points to the next node in the list. M_generic_list(3fm) defines a generic linked list implementation in standard Fortran 95 which is able to store arbitrary data (and in particular -- pointers to arbitrary data types).


M_generic_list(3fm) defines a Generic Linked List Implementation in Fortran 95. This module, described in detail at http://fortranwiki.org is by:

    Jason R. Blevins
    Department of Economics, Duke University


Sample program:

    ! program demo_M_generic_list and module
    module data
      implicit none

private public :: data_t public :: data_ptr

! Data is stored in data_t type :: data_t real :: x end type data_t

! A container for storing data_t pointers type :: data_ptr type(data_t), pointer :: p end type data_ptr

end module data

program demo_M_generic_list use M_generic_list use data implicit none

type(list_node_t), pointer :: list => null() type(data_ptr) :: ptr

! Allocate a new data element allocate(ptr%p) ptr%p%x = 2.7183

! Initialize the list with the first data element call list_init(list, transfer(ptr, list_data)) print *, ’Initializing list with data:’, ptr%p

! Allocate a second data element allocate(ptr%p) ptr%p%x = 0.5772

! Insert the second into the list call list_insert(list, transfer(ptr, list_data)) print *, ’Inserting node with data:’, ptr%p

! Retrieve data from the second node and free memory ptr = transfer(list_get(list_next(list)), ptr) print *, ’Second node data:’, ptr%p deallocate(ptr%p)

! Retrieve data from the head node and free memory ptr = transfer(list_get(list), ptr) print *, ’Head node data:’, ptr%p deallocate(ptr%p)

! Free the list call list_free(list) end program demo_M_generic_list

M_generic_list (3) March 11, 2021
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