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M_color(3fm) - [M_color] a Fortran module that lets you convert between common color models (LICENSE:PD)

   use M_color, only : &

      & hue, &
      & closest_color_name, &
      & color_name2rgb, &
      & rgbmono

Fortran color module M_color

Highly accurate color conversions are a tricky business, and color is a complex topic; but these simplified conversions between common color models work quite well for most basic needs.

For most uses the only user routine called is HUE(3f) HUE(3f) is a single routine that interfaces to all the private low-level color conversion routines to convert a color's components from one color model to another. HUE(3f) converts between the following color models:

  • RGB - Red, Green, Blue (color TV monitors)
  • HLS - Hue, Lightness, Saturation
  • CMY - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow (pigment-based printing devices)
  • HSV - Hue, Saturation, Value
  • YIQ - Broadcast TV color system

In addition to the reversible color model conversions there are a few other user-callable color-related procedures:

   CLOSEST_COLOR_NAME:  given RGB values, try to find closest named color
   COLOR_NAME2RGB:  given a color name, return RGB color values in range 0 to 100
   RGBMONO:  convert RGB colors to a reasonable grayscale

2*N Design of the module

The rest of the library is composed of PRIVATE procedures. For each color model supported the general idea of the module is that there are two routines for each color model:

  • One converts that model to the RGB model
  • The other converts from RGB to that model

This allows conversions between all color models with only 2*N routines required to go from any model to any other. That is, to go from model A to model B the intent is that the module would make two calls:

    call modelA2rgb(...)
    call rgb2modelB(...)

The resulting internal routines that result are:

  • HLSRGB given hue, lightness, saturation calculate red, green, and blue components
    • RGBVAL ensure a value is in the appropriate range and quadrant
  • HVSRGB given hue, saturation, value calculate red, green, and blue components
  • CMYRGB given cyan, magenta, and yellow components calculate red, green, and blue components
  • YIQRGB given luma(gray scale), orange-blue chrominance, and purple-green chrominance components calculate red, green, and blue components
  • RGBHVS given red, green, blue values calculate hue, value, and saturation components
  • RGBHLS given red, green, blue values calculate hue, lightness, and saturation components
  • RGBCMY given red, green, blue values calculate cyan, magenta, yellow components
  • RGBYIQ given red, green, blue values calculate luma(gray scale), orange-blue chrominance, and purple-green chrominance components

A simple interactive javascript-based color selector lets you interactively select colors.

The color wheel below was generated using a M_draw(3f) graphics library program (huegif.f90) that uses the M_color module.

HLS circle
The algorithms are based on chapter 17 of "Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics"; J. D. Foley and A. Van Dam.
John S. Urban
Public Domain
RGBHLS(3fp) - [M_color] Given red, green, and blue color components calculates the hue, lightness, and saturation for a color (LICENSE:PD)

   subroutine rgbhls(r,g,b,h,l,s,status)

    real, intent(in)  :: r ! the red component as a value of 0 to 100
    real, intent(in)  :: g ! the green component as a value of 0 to 100
    real, intent(in)  :: b ! the blue component as a value of 0 to 100
    real, intent(out) :: h ! the hue value in the range of 0 to 360 degrees
    real, intent(out) :: l ! the lightness as a percent value from 0 to 100
    real, intent(out) :: s ! the saturation as a percent from 0 to 100
    integer           :: status
RGB values are in the range 0-100; hue is 0-360 degrees; lightness and saturation have a range of 0-100.

John S. Urban
Public Domain
RGBHVS(3fp) - [M_color] calculates the hue, value, & saturation for a color given in red, green, & blue components values. (LICENSE:PD)
   subroutine rgbhvs(r,g,b,h,v,s,status)

    real, intent(in)  :: r ! the red component as a value of 0 to 100.
    real, intent(in)  :: g ! the green component as a value of 0 to 100.
    real, intent(in)  :: b ! the blue component as a value of 0 to 100.
    real, intent(out) :: h ! the hue value in the range of 0 to 360 degrees
    real, intent(out) :: v ! the "value" as a percent value from 0 to 100.
    real, intent(out) :: s ! the saturation as a percent from 0 to 100.
    integer           :: status
RGBHVS() calculates the hue, value, & saturation for a color given in red, green, & blue components values.

Color Color
Hex (R,G,B) (H,S,V)
  Black #000000 (0,0,0) (0º,0%,0%)
  White #FFFFFF (100,100,100) (0º,0%,100%)
  Red #FF0000 (100,0,0) (0º,100%,100%)
  Lime #00FF00 (0,100,0) (120º,100%,100%)
  Blue #0000FF (0,0,100) (240º,100%,100%)
  Yellow #FFFF00 (100,100,0) (60º,100%,100%)
  Cyan #00FFFF (0,100,100) (180º,100%,100%)
  Magenta #FF00FF (100,0,100) (300º,100%,100%)
  Silver #C0C0C0 (75,75,75) (0º,0%,75%)
  Gray #808080 (50,50,50) (0º,0%,50%)
  Maroon #800000 (50,0,0) (0º,100%,50%)
  Olive #808000 (50,50,0) (60º,100%,50%)
  Green #008000 (0,50,0) (120º,100%,50%)
  Purple #800080 (50,0,50) (300º,100%,50%)
  Teal #008080 (0,50,50) (180º,100%,50%)
  Navy #000080 (0,0,50) (240º,100%,50%)
John S. Urban
Public Domain
cmyrgb(3fp) - [M_color] calculates the cyan, magenta, and yellow components given the red, green, and blue component values. (LICENSE:PD)
   subroutine cmyrgb(c,m,y,r,g,b,status)

    real, intent(in)  :: c ! the cyan component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
    real, intent(in)  :: m ! the magenta component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
    real, intent(in)  :: y ! the yellow component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
    real, intent(out) :: r ! the red component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
    real, intent(out) :: g ! the green component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
    real, intent(out) :: b ! the blue component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
    integer           :: status
cmyrgb() calculates the cyan, magenta, and yellow components given the red, green, and blue component values.
John S. Urban
Public Domain
rgbcmy(3fp) - [M_color] calculates the cyan, magenta, and yellow components given the red, green, and blue component values. (LICENSE:PD)
   subroutine rgbcmy(r,g,b,c,m,y,status)

    real, intent(in)  :: r ! the red component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
    real, intent(in)  :: g ! the green component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
    real, intent(in)  :: b ! the blue component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
    real, intent(out) :: c ! the cyan component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
    real, intent(out) :: m ! the magenta component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
    real, intent(out) :: y ! the yellow component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
    integer           :: status
Table ...

Color Color


(C,M,Y) ( R, G, B) Hex
  Black (100,100,100) ( 0, 0, 0) #000000
  White ( 0, 0, 0) (100,100,100) #FFFFFF
  Red ( 0,100,100) (100, 0, 0) #FF0000
  Green (100, 0,100) ( 0,100, 0) #00FF00
  Blue (100,100, 0) ( 0, 0,100) #0000FF
  Yellow ( 0, 0,100) (100,100, 0) #FFFF00
  Cyan (100, 0, 0) ( 0,100,100) #00FFFF
  Magenta ( 0,100, 0) (100, 0,100) #FF00FF
John S. Urban
Public Domain
RGBVAL(3fp) - [M_color] is an internal private function used by hlsrgb(3fp). (LICENSE:PD)
   subroutine rgbval(clr1,clr2,h)

    integer, intent(in) :: h ! H is the hue value in degrees
    real, intent(in) :: clr1 !
    real, intent(in) :: clr2 !
Function RGBVAL(3f) is an internal private function used by hlsrgb().
John S. Urban
Public Domain
HLSRGB(3fp) - [M_color] calculates the red, green, & blue components for a color given in hue, lightness, & saturation values. (LICENSE:PD)
   subroutine hlsrgb (h,l,s,r,g,b,status)

    real, intent(in)  :: h ! hue value in the range of 0 to 360 degrees
    real, intent(in)  :: l ! lightness as a percent value from 0 to 100.
    real, intent(in)  :: s ! saturation as a percent from 0 to 100.
    real, intent(out) :: r ! red component as a value of 0 to 100.
    real, intent(out) :: g ! green component as a value of 0 to 100.
    real, intent(out) :: b ! blue component as a value of 0 to 100.
    integer           :: status
HLSRGB() calculates the red, green, & blue components for a color given in hue, lightness, & saturation values.
John S. Urban
Public Domain
HVSRGB(3fp) - [M_color] calculates the red, green, & blue components for a color given in hue, value, & saturation values. (LICENSE:PD)
   subroutine hvsrgb(h,v,s,r,g,b,status)

    real, intent(in)  :: h ! H is the hue value in the range of 0 to 360 degrees
    real, intent(in)  :: v ! V is the "value" as a percent value from 0 to 100.
    real, intent(in)  :: s ! S is the saturation as a percent from 0 to 100.
    real, intent(out) :: r ! R is the red component as a value of 0 to 100.
    real, intent(out) :: g ! G is the green component as a value of 0 to 100.
    real, intent(out) :: b ! B is the blue component as a value of 0 to 100.
    integer           :: status
HVSRGB() calculates the red, green, & blue components for a color given in hue, value, & saturation values.
John S. Urban
Public Domain
YIQRGB(3fp) - [M_color] Convert luma, orange-blue chrominance, and purple-green chrominance to RGB values. (LICENSE:PD)
   subroutine yiqrgb(y,i,q,r,g,b,status)

    real,intent(in)  :: y,i,q
    real,intent(out) :: r,g,b
    integer          :: status
Convert luma, orange-blue chrominance, and purple-green chrominance to RGB values.
John S. Urban
Public Domain
RGBYIQ(3fp) - [M_color] Convert RGB values to luma, orange-blue chrominance, and purple-green chrominance. (LICENSE:PD)
   subroutine rgbyiq(r,g,b,y,i,q,status)

    real,intent(in)  :: r,g,b
    real,intent(out) :: y,i,q
    integer          :: status
Convert RGB values to luma, orange-blue chrominance, and purple-green chrominance.
John S. Urban
Public Domain