
Gotchas: significant digits and simple assigns

How come when I assign a simple value (or even an expression) to a value I sometimes get less digits of precision than I expect?

In the following example program the DOUBLEPRECISION value VALUE2 only contains the same number of correct digits from the constant that was assigned to it as the REAL value VALUE1. VALUE3 contains significantly more...

  module M_prec
    integer,parameter :: sp = selected_real_kind(6)
    integer,parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15)
  end module M_prec

program main
  use M_prec
  real            :: value1=123.45678901234567890123
  doubleprecision :: value2=123.45678901234567890123
  doubleprecision :: value3=123.45678901234567890123d0
  real(kind=dp)   :: value4=123.45678901234567890123_dp

Typical results

            ^^^^^^^^ <== Not the values you might expect

A general principle of Fortran is that the type of the RHS (Right Hand Side) of an assignment does not depend on the LHS (Left Hand Side). Once you understand this rule, a lot of things fall into place.

You must make sure the constant on the RHS is of a KIND that can hold the number of digits desired, regardless of what type the LHS is. "123.45678901234567890123" is a REAL expression and is evaluated first. Then it is assigned to the value on the LHS, which in this case promotes the REAL value to DOUBLEPRECISION. Adding the "d0" suffix or specifying and using a KIND sufficiently big enough to give you the accuracy you desire is required.

The best explanation I have seen for this is by Dick Hendrickson on the newsgroup "comp.lang.fortran" :

I think the REAL reason (ho, ho, ho) is that your example is too simple. In Fortran almost everything can be an expression, rather than a single term. (heck, even 29.5... is an [degenerate] expression in the syntax rules) And there is no good way to push the type of the left hand side into the right hand side expressions that won't surprise someone. In something like

   double_prec_var = N/4 + MIN(M/3, 10) + 7 * user_func (6, 3.14)

everything goes wrong if you pull the constants up to double precision before evaluating the RHS. Especially if userfunc is generic or if it returns a type that causes the asterisk in "7 * userfunc (6, 3.14)" to be a user defined function (probably also generic).

Rather than have two sets of rules (either for "expressions" that are constants or for expressions that appear in declaration statements) Fortran chose one rule for all expressions and it confuses people on the simple case. It's a pity and, IMO, compilers should be more aggressive about mismatched precision with simple constant expressions.

Note that compilers are free to produce a warning when all the digits of a constant are not stored. As an example, if you use the -Wconversion-extra switch on gfortran:

   + gfortran -Wconversion-extra xxx.f90
      real            :: value1=123.45678901234567890123
   Warning: Non-significant digits in 'REAL(4)' number at (1), maybe incorrect KIND [-Wconversion-extra]
      doubleprecision :: value2=123.45678901234567890123
   Warning: Conversion from 'REAL(4)' to 'REAL(8)' at (1) [-Wconversion-extra]
      doubleprecision :: value2=123.45678901234567890123
   Warning: Non-significant digits in 'REAL(4)' number at (1), maybe incorrect KIND [-Wconversion-extra]
      doubleprecision :: value3=123.45678901234567890123d0
   Warning: Non-significant digits in 'REAL(8)' number at (1), maybe incorrect KIND [-Wconversion-extra]
      real(kind=dp)   :: value4=123.45678901234567890123_dp
   Warning: Non-significant digits in 'REAL(8)' number at (1), maybe incorrect KIND [-Wconversion-extra]

category: code